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lee hyesoo pov
hanni and I walked into school, hand in hand as usual. there were always people staring at us but this time, it felt different. the look in their eyes. they just look disgusted and they were whispering to each other.

what is going on?

out of nowhere, jake came running to me.

"hyesoo! you have to see this!" he said and frantically pulled out his phone.

he then paused for a moment as he realised hanni was there. he looked at me and then back at hanni.

"uhm... can I talk to hyesoo in private?" he asked. she nodded and he pulled me away.

"that hurts. what do you want me to see anyway?"

he furiously tapped on his phone and shoved it in my face. it was a post on the school forum.

"it says that you have been doing things with professor jennie. the post is so called calling you out for 'cheating' on hanni and that you're going around doing this with others too without others knowing."

"that is so not true!" I fumed and read on.

"it also says that you and winter planned the fake fight to cover up you cheating on hanni with her and you still meet up with her outside," jake kindly summarised everything for me.

"that picture there is you with professor jennie," he pointed.

"I wasn't even doing that with her! the angle is just off! I was there because I submitted the wrong assignment!"

"I know that these aren't true..."

"you should know. do people believe this ridiculous things? who even posted these?"

"well, yes. people are believing this post. look at the amount of upvotes. the post is anonymous."

"damn it."

I ran out to rush to hanni, in hopes she does not see it. what would she think if she sees it? I have let her down too much.

will she trust me though?

unfortunately, when I reached her, she had her phone out and was reading it.

"hanni... it's not what it looks like."

she looked up at me. was she scared, angry, sad? I could not tell from the gaze.

"are you cheating on me?"

"hanni, no... I am not."


"hanni, do you not trust me?" I asked and stepped closer to her. she couldn't answer me.

"you trust those rumours more, do you?" I was upset. she didn't say anything and just walked off.

I sighed in frustration. I was in no mood to go to class so I ran out. I just went home and laid on my bed, crying.

the love of my life didn't even trust me.

oh my god (hanni x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now