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(this is how I imagine hyesoo looks like lol and she likes to wear crop tops)

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(this is how I imagine hyesoo looks like lol and she likes to wear crop tops)


lee hyesoo pov
hanni and I arrived in school together. she seemed to still be in a very deep thought about our conversation earlier so I didn't say much.

"hey, I'm really sorry about earlier. are you still mad?" I asked and she turned to look at me cutely.

"not really, I can't stay mad at you."

why does she have to say that? it just gives me butterflies.

"I'm just worried that some other people might hit on you. it's not like they know we're dating but I just don't want to leave your side."

"we will see each other during our breaks and after school. and we have at least one class together," I reasoned. she pouted and nodded her head.

"alright I guess. love you," she said.

I didn't say anything to her.

"I said I love you," she repeated herself.

"I don't think I can say it back yet."

"ok, I still love you," she said and went to her class.

I feel kinda bad I can't fully reciprocate her feelings back. it's only been less than 24 hours since we started dating though.

hopefully, I will be able to start liking her that way.

hanni was late for this class. we were starting in approximately 5 minutes and she was not here yet.

I waited impatiently for her to arrive. she only had seconds left before our professor arrives.

the door burst open and there she stood. she quickly made her way up to me and sat down. we were both sitting at the corner all the way at the back.

"I don't like mr jeon. that old man made me stay back for not completing an assignment!" she complained to me. I chuckled at her cutely complaining and whining about her class.

class soon started and we were both paying attention when she slid her hand on my thigh again.

third person pov
"behave," hyesoo said in a low tone to hanni.

hanni could not help as hyesoo looked way too good right now and she just wanted to have her all to herself.

her grip on hyesoo's thigh tightened and hyesoo gulped at the warmth of hanni's touch.

"stop it or you won't get a reward," hyesoo warned.

"your only condition was no kissing," hanni retorted and smirked.

"maybe I'll punish you instead," hyesoo leaned in close to hanni's ears and whispered.

hyesoo could tell hanni was flustered. she decided to trail kisses down from hanni's ear down to her neck.

no one was paying any attention to them. their seats were at a blind spot and no one could really see them unless they turn around.

hyesoo trailed wet kisses down, starting from hanni's ear, down to her cheek, jaw and then her neck. hanni was fighting with herself, trying not to make any noise.

hyesoo suddenly stopped and looked at hanni who was frozen in her place.

"I wouldn't mind if you punished or rewarded me," hanni said. hyesoo gave her a look before turning back to focus on the lesson.

"hey, is this what you used to do to felix?" hanni asked hyesoo teasingly. she knew hyesoo had not dated any girls before and the only person who got this kind of affection would most likely be felix. she was trying to fish for hyesoo's reaction.

"please don't talk about him anymore. otherwise, I will double your punishment," hyesoo said and her hand slid under hanni's shirt.

lee hyesoo pov
I had no idea what is going on with me. my hormones were probably raging.

the bell rang at that exact moment and I quickly packed my things. hanni shoved her things in her bag and pulled me out of the class.

she dragged me to the furthest toilet and pushed me into a stall gently.

"it's my turn now."

she grabbed my outerwear and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

"don't say a word about your conditions please. can't you just remove that?" she asked quietly as she slightly pulled away.

"what do you want to change it to?" I asked smugly.

"no kissing during class. I had this huge urge to kiss you just now."

"deal," I said and she pulled me into another kiss.

we spent most of our break in the toilet making out. her lips were just so kissable and it felt like I was intoxicated with pleasure.

after kissing, hanni licked her lips. "I really like the taste of your lips."

we smiled at each other and she took my hand to walk out. for a moment, I forgot we were in school.

as soon as I saw other people, I released her hand. I could feel her side eyeing me as we walked on.

no one in the school knew of us yet and I wasn't ready to let people know I was dating her.


I was pulled by yunjin. hanni stopped walking and stood behind me.

"are you free today? I wanted to ask you to finish the project since it's due soon."

"yeah, I'm probably free today after class," I replied.

"great, I'll see you later then," yunjin said and grinned at me before walking away.

"I thought you said we'll see each other after school," hanni said.

"I'm really sorry, I have to finish this project. I'll probably see you at home today? you're tutoring hyein today too right?"


"so we'll still see each other."

"I don't feel comfortable leaving you with yunjin alone though."

"don't worry."

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