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lee hyesoo pov
"this is your second offence this year!" the headmaster yelled at me as I just hung my head low.

honestly, I had no regrets. calling me a whore was enough but calling my hanni a slut? that's a no.

"I'm sorry..."

"you don't even have a valid reason this time!"

"sir, she threw her drink at me and called me names! she also called someone else a name too."

"she just provoked you, that's all. no violence was involved, yet you threw a tray... a metal tray at her, with the intention to harm her."

"but... she started it by throwing something at me first," I calmly replied.

he sighed and shook his head.

"fine. you will get a four week suspension and do volunteer work for 72 hours."

I wanted to say something but instead I nodded.

"you know, these things keep happening after you got with that transfer student."

"she has a name."

"ok, hanni. maybe you should stay away from hanni if she keeps getting you into this kind of trouble."

"ok..." I replied, fully knowing that I was not going to listen to him. I bowed and left without closing the door. I'm just so petty.

hanni was waiting for me outside. she looked worried.

"are you ok? why did you do that?"

"yeah, I'm fine. I just got suspended for four weeks and need to complete a 72 hour volunteering work."

"you stupid! why did you have to get yourself suspended?!" she yelled at me and kept punching my shoulders. "what was so bad that you had to cause and injury to that girl?"

"...nothing, nothing that you should know of."

would she get hurt if she knew people were calling her that name behind her back?

"I have the right to know," she said firmly and pulled my towards our favourite toilet.

she pushed me into the stall we frequented and pinned me against the door.

"tell me."

I had this urge to just clown her and dance to tell me.


she then leaned in to kiss me.

oh, how I missed the feeling of her warm, luscious lips. my breath hitched and I started wrapping my arms around her waist, enjoying it.


it was an intense make out session. we hadn't kissed each other in weeks and we just missed each other so, so much.

the make out went on for a really long and I just lost track of the time. I missed her touch so much.

finally, she pulled away and I sighed internally. it felt too short to me.

we stared at each other's eyes long enough until I broke it by exiting the stall.

"hey, where are you going?"

I had just remembered how she didn't trust me and the way she just gave me a cold shoulder when the rumour came out.

"hanni, I can't do this. let's... we should both take a break..." I swallowed a huge lump in my throat before continuing, "...from each other."

I didn't want to do this, but her thinking I was untrustworthy just made me upset. it's better that we take a break and wait until she can fully trst me.

I'm an adult, not a child and I know what I'm doing right or wrong.

"hyesoo, you know we don't have to," she said and gave me a back hug.

"hanni, until you can fully trust me... then it's better off that we don't see each other."

"no! hyesoo, I love you too and I don't want to separate from you. I will try to put my trust in you, ok? just please don't break up with me..."

"minji is probably waiting, I should go," I said and removed her hands from my waist.

"minji? why the hell would you be hanging out with her? you know she likes you!"

"yeah, but at least she cares and trusts me. can't say the same about you," I said and left.

oh my god (hanni x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now