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third person pov
hyesoo took hanni to the school nurse to get the wound cleaned. it broke her heart to see hanni wincing in pain.

"I've cleaned up the wound and covered it up, you can rest here a bit if you want," the school nurse said to hanni and went back to her office.

"is my baby ok?" hyesoo asked and cupped hanni's cheeks to take a closer look.

"yeah..." hanni replied and her tears unconsciously streamed down her face. hyesoo pulled her in for a hug.

"don't cry... it's not your fault," hyesoo comforted the girl. she rubbed her back and patted her head, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"sorry to interrupt but you're needed in the office," chan popped his head into the room and said to hyesoo.

"rest here a bit and I will come take you home, ok?" hyesoo said and left the room with chan.

hanni sat there, worried. she was anxious that hyesoo would get into trouble because of her.

she loved that hyesoo was protective of her but the way she tried to handle it was just wrong.

lee hyesoo pov
I walked with chan to the office. the headmaster wanted to see me.

"I can't believe you did that," chan said and chuckled slightly.

"yeah, I can't believe it either," I replied and looked down.

"still got anger issues eh? I don't wanna see you getting hurt because you're just like my sister," chan said when they arrived at the office.

hyesoo shrugged and went in. karina, ningning and minjeong were there.

"ah, you're finally here," the headmaster said. he looked at the four of them disappointedly.

"karina, ningning, winter and hyesoo... care to explain why there was a fight in the cafeteria?" he asked.

"sir... it was us. the three of us tried to make hanni fall. so I guess we kinda started it. hyesoo was just protecting hanni," karina admitted to it almost immediately. she glanced at minjeong.

she was disappointed that minjeong lied to them and got them in trouble.

"ok... how about you hyesoo?"

"I... I heard some commotion so I went to see and hanni was there, her tray had dropped kn the ground and karina uhm... slapped her."

"yes... then why did you try to attack her?" he asked and pointed at winter.

"she was lying, sir. she lied that hanni made her cry but hanni was not the reason! I made her cry."

"you do know you can get in serious trouble for attacking someone with a weapon right?"


"karina and hyesoo are suspended for a week. ningning and minjeong will have to clean toilets for 60 hours," he said and dismissed us.

"hey," karina caught up to me after we exited the office.


"I just wanted to apologise. I'm sorry for hitting hanni and I apologise on behalf of minjeong. I can't believe she would lie to us... she came to me and said hanni had attacked her..."

"apologise to hanni yourself... and tell minjeong to stay away from now on and I might forgive her. j probably won't but just tell her to stay away," j replied coldly and she nodded. she bowed apologetically at me as I walked away.

minjeong is insane.

I went back to hanni and found her sitting on the bed alone.

"hey, I'll take you home."

the walk back was uncomfortably silent. I carried both of our bags and hanni just went ahead silently.

minjeong that ass. I swear I will kill her if she ever shows up again.

we finally arrived at hanni's apartment. the atmosphere was cold.

"hanni, are you sure you're ok?" I asked again once we were inside.

"yeah... I'm fine. what did the headmaster say anyway?" she asked.

"uhm... I'm suspended for a week."

she looked at me with a sad face.

"it's all my fault..." she cried and I hugged her tightly to calm her down.

"no... hanni, it's not your fault. I am the one at wrong. I failed to protect you."

"you tried to hit winter because of me..."

"no, hanni. listen, I am the one at fault. you did nothing ok? I am the one who resorted to violence. fuck... hanni, I'm such a fucked up person... I don't even deserve you."

"hyesoo..." she just cried and buried her head on my chest, wetting my shirt with tears.

I hate myself for being such a person. what if I got mad and hurt her? no... hanni does not deserve me at all.

"you're not a fucked up person at all... you just wanted to protect me."

"hanni... I could have seriously hurt her if you didn't stop me."

"I know... but no matter how you are, I still love you."

"stop, you're gonna make me cry too."

she finally smiled after a while.

I love this girl so much.

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