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lee hyesoo pov
after finishing the session, I took hanni home and went back to chill.

my phone rang and there was a text from hanni. she said that she wanted to see me in school because she forgot something and is acred to go alone.

she wants to go to school this late? this is suspicious.

I dialled her number to make sure. I am NOT gonna make the same mistake I did in my dream.

"hey honey."

"hi baby! why are you calling?"

my suspicions were confirmed.

"nothing, are you going to bed?"


"I just wanted to hear your voice and say goodnight."


"sweet dreams, make sure you dream of me," I responded and she giggled a bit over the phone before we hung up.

I swear to god I just wanna live in peace.

the next day, I arrived in school early. hanni was still not here yet and I was contemplating if I should go pick her up or just wait.

I was walking halfway in the hallway when someone pulled my bag really hard.

I got pulled into an empty classroom. I frowned when I saw that minjeong was the one who pulled me here.

she locked the door and approached me.

"'what do you want?"

she looked tired like she haven't slept in days. she abruptly wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me.

"hey, get off!"

I tried prying her arms off me. damn, she's strong.

she pushed me until I fell back and sat on a chair. she then sat on my laps and leaned forward to try and kiss me.

in a panic, I freed my hands and pushed her face with my whole hand. she fell and started crying and whining.


"I told you to stay away."

"I just thought maybe you would give me a chance."


she crawled to me and hugged my leg, preventing me from leaving.

this is some haunted house.

I shook my leg to make her get off me. she just cried louder and hugged my leg tighter. I just stood there awkwardly. 🧍‍♀️

the doorknob started rattling and a teacher came in.

I'm saved.

"what the..." he said and rushed to pull minjeong away.

she pushed him off and started squirming on the floor like a worm.

"what is going on?" he asked, raising his voice a bit which gained the attention of others outside.

they didn't seem to like her behaviour and started mocking and making fun of her. she definitely saw them and was so embarrassed she ran out.

"hey, did you hear that winter transferred?" hanni asked me as we walked.


"people are saying she was humiliated and she didn't want to see them making fun of her so she transferred."

"well, that's great! no one to bother us anymore," I said and gave hanni a kiss on her cheek.

oh my god (hanni x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now