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lee hyesoo pov
after what happened in my dream, I have been kinda scared to be left alone with minjeong. what if she drugs and kidnaps me?

I was genuinely surprised when hanni agreed to let me go to the library alone with minjeong. hanni disliked her. I could not help but wonder why she let me go.

after class, I parted ways with hanni and went to the library to meet minjeong. she was already there, waiting for me.

"hey, I saved you a seat," she said and gestured for me to sit next to her. she was all smiley and I was kinda scared. I placed my things down and sat next to her.

she passed me her notes and just watched me as I took down the things.

I felt uncomfortable with her looking at me like that.

as I was writing halfway, she suddenly patted my head. that was my last straw.

I slapped her hand away and glared at her. she looked kinda scared.

"minjeong, just stop whatever you are doing. I don't feel comfortable with you doing this at all."

"sorry... you just looked cute."

"minjeong, I'm dating hanni. I love her," I said in anger and shoved my things into my bag.

I took out my phone and called hanni.

"hey, where are you? I just finished copying the notes and I'll take you home."

"I'm coming!" she responded. after a while, she appeared. I took her hand and led her home.

"oh! unnie, come meet my friend!" hyein pulled me in as soon as I arrived home.

"unnie, this is haerin unnie. we are in the same club in school and she is my senior!" hyein said excitedly.

"hi," haerin greeted me timidly.


she turned back to reading her book. why is she reading a book about frogs? this kid is kinda weird.

"oh? who's this hyein?" hanni came to us after settling her things down.

"this is my friend haerin unnie!" hyein said in the same tone earlier. haerin looked up and greeted hanni before going back to reading.

"we're going to hang out after our tutoring session," hyein said to hanni. hanni nodded and got ready for the session.

I sat beside hanni and just watched her. her side profile is so perfect.

her lips looks so kissable and I just wanna attach mine to hers and never pull away. maybe I should glue them together.

haerin sat opposite of me and was just in her own world.

after a long wait, they were finally done and I got to spend more time with my hanni.

"unnie, is it ok if haerin unnie stay over tonight?" hyein asked me. I nodded and she started jumping around happily.

"do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked as I pulled hanni upstairs. she nodded her head cutely.

"what do you wanna watch?" I asked her.

"hmm... how about you choose?" she said and gave me a smile.

"ok then... let's watch a horror movie," I said and put it on.

I put on a horror movie and we huddled together on the bed to watch it.

every time there was a jump scare scene, hanni would tighten her grip on my hand.


she pinched my thigh and it was painful.

"if this is too scary for you, we can watch something else," I said and rubbed her back.

"no, it's fine," she said.

she then cupped my cheeks and made me look at her.

"I think this would be better than watching the movie," she whispered and pulled me close.

oh my god (hanni x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now