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lee hyesoo pov
finally, after a long week, I was back in school. people were looking at me oddly, probably hating on me for making minjeong suffer.

of course they would side with the school's princess.

instinctively, I pulled hanni closer to me.

this is probably the definition of her falling first and me falling harder.

my eyes widened when I saw minjeong walking. she had no remorse on her face and was apparently smiling?

that is crazy.

it makes it worse that she was smiling at me.

"hey," she came up to us.

"I told you to stay away," I replied coldly. she ignored what I said and turned to hanni.

"I am sorry I did that to you."

"apologising does not make it any better," I said and stood slightly in front of hanni. hanni tugged the back of my shirt, signalling for us to just go ahead.

"just... leave us alone," I sighed and walked away with hanni.

hanni and I couldn't concentrate in class at all. our knees kept touching each other's.

the past few days, we made a lot of progress in our relationship. I was smiling like crazy just thinking about it.

"why are you smiling like that?" hanni asked me.


she cutely pouted and turned away from me.

"bro. I swear. I will beat the shot out of you if you don't stop your lovey dovey stuff," kazuha told us.

I just nodded and she turned back to focus on the lesson.

the classroom door burst opened and minjeong walked in. why is she here? she doesn't even take this class.

she made her way up and took the seat beside me without asking me.

I am so done with her.

"can I see your notes?" she asked me and tried taking my book away from me.

"I didn't say yes," I said and snatched it back.

"oh. ok."

"why are you even here? you don't take this class."

"I have been planning to take this class and I decided to come take a look."

I sighed and placed my hand on hanni's thigh. minjeong has to leave me alone.

soon, the long torturous class ended. I quickly packed my things and got ready to leave with hanni.

"hyesoo-ssi, come here," our professor called out to me.

I was confused. hanni looked at me and urged me to go forward.


"minjeong here wants to take this class too. I want you to help her."



"you got suspended recently and tutoring her will give you extra credit to make up for it. you want to keep the good grades right? I won't take no as an answer."


"no buts," he cut me off. I glared at minjeong and she was so happy.

"for how long should I do this?"

"until I say so."

I kept trying to protest but he kept cutting me off. I hope he falls down the stairs.

after that, he left. minjeong looked at me.

"so? when should we start? we could go to my house," she said.

"no way in hell I would go to your house."

"then... we can go to yours?"

"no... let's just meet at the library."

"that's no fun."

"are you trying to have fun or to learn?"

"...fine..." she said sulkily. "I'll see you later then."

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