Ch. 16 Choices

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"Urg.... My head is pounding," I sent to Sky as I woke ...up...wait. Did I take a nap?

Disoriented Ava slowly became aware of the drama apparently in full force around her.

"Just get the hell out of here! You've done enough damage PUP!" The last word said with enough scorn the blister anyone's feelings.

" Why are you even here?!? This is none of your damn business!!"

"I'm here because it's round up the idiots day and someone needed to direct you to your cage!"

The sound of a scuffle and a female voice chastised both of them.

"Where am I?" Ava asked out loud. Her voice sounding oddly weak in her judgment. What the hell happened she wondered as she struggled to open her eyes and focus around her.

Immediately two very concerned faces filled her vision. Grants green eyes displayed nothing but worry, but Matthews hazel ones were laced with... guilt?

A sudden flood of memories washed over her even as Sky's voice filled her head.

"We should hear him out. There's a lot going on and I'm not even sure I understand," her voice was a whimpering plea that made Ava's head hurt even more.

A loud crash brought her attention back to the guys who were currently... trying to choke the life out of each other?

The female voice that was now easily identifiable as one of the healers Ava first met was yelling for them to stop, her demands went completely unheard as Grant pulled back and landed a solid punch straight to Matthews face. The crunch and coppery scent of blood filled the room telling her that Grants aim was true.

"Aargh you bastard! " Matthew exclaimed as his eyes darkened and his fangs emerged for the second time that day.

"Stop. STOP!" The strength in her voice surprising even herself, Ava rallied her strength and sat up in the bed.

"Please leave, I'll be fine." She looked over at Grant and realized her words had been misunderstood as he smirked at Matthew and sauntered to her side.

"No Grant, I meant you should leave. I'll be fine. Matthew and I, we need to talk." The last words said quietly to soften the blow.

Without a word Grant spun on his heel and walked out the door, without hesitation as if it had been his plan from the beginning. Only his clenched fists told the truth of how he felt.

The silent was oppressive as the sat in the room together. It was as if the fighting between the two males had been a release valve and now that it was over the tension was building exponentially.

His breathing was harsh and uneven and every inhale seemed to suck a measurable amount of air from the room. The light that had seemed almost blinding before was dull and cowering, even the smells seemed to thicken and congest her breathing. The sound of the clock ticking seemed to count minutes or hours instead of seconds and just when Ava thought she would go mad from it all he spoke. She jumped as his voice startled her and would have giggled at her reaction if it hadn't been for what he declared.

" I want to mark you."

The words hung in the air.

"I NEED to mark you, Ava. I'm so so sorry I lost control, I know there is no excuse and you have to believe me, I would never hurt you... but Ava, I need you, I need to know that you belong to me as much as I belong to you."

The words fell from his mouth like water in a brook, tumbling over each other like they had been fighting over which was the leave his mouth first.

"Please, before you answer let me get it all out."

As if she were capable of speaking at the moment.

Taking her silence as acquiescence he continued as he joined her, sitting on the bed by her knee.

" I love you, I love you so much it pains me to know you will be away from me for longer than a few hours. Since we met, even in that very first conversation I've known. It was as if my eyes had been shut and someone helped me see for the first time. Everything about my world is better with you in it and I want to make yours better too, I want to dedicate every moment that I can to making you feel the same joy I do."

He paused and Ava spoke, finally finding words.

"Matthew, you know..."

"Wait... Please... I know I'm not your mate, and I know you wanted to wait. But we are two broken halves, Ava. We can make our own whole. We CAN make each other happy because the Goddess has taught us both how hurtful the world can be, how the people who were meant to be with us may not have our best interests at heart. Your mate may be out there, but where is he now Ava? Where was he when you were at your lowest? Where was he when you where crying out in the night? Where was he when were rebuilding what the world tore down? I'm not saying he doesn't love you, that he won't cherish you. But Ava, he doesn't know you! The Goddess may have placed him in your life, but if it is forced is it true love? Is it knowing the strength that lies beneath the beauty? Or understanding the pain behind the tears? I love you Ava, every bit of me loves every last bit of you. Not because the Goddess demands it, or because together we will produce strong pups. I love you because your pain is my pain and your joy is my joy."

He stood and gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I already know your mind on this and I won't press you for an answer right away. But know this, my wolf has already laid claim to yours. He knows of her willingness to accept him. That's why he lashed out, he is frustrated at being kept from the one he sees as his mate.I make no excuses for his actions, he was wrong. But you seem to be the only one with reservations, Ava. Please, let me be yours."

Ava was left speechless as he left the room. Her eyes filled with tears that fell  laden with more emotion humanly conceivable. Sky was mercifully silent, allowing Ava to cope on her own. She had known he cared for her, she knew he thought himself in love, but she had assumed that her own decision to search out her mate had stymied the possibility of the feelings growing deeper. Her head had ached
before and now it was joined by an equally aching heart.

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