Ch.4 The End

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You know that feeling when your underwater? That sense of being almost in another world, aware of the sights and sounds of the other dimension but unable to understand it. That " through the looking glass" feeling was my first indication that I wasn't dead. Some wolves tell of story's where the Moon Goddess gave

them some type of divine enlightenment or revealed her grand plans for her life. All I had was a sore throat an aching body and a throbbing head.

"I told you we needed to move faster."

The words were becoming clearer now, bits and pieces were filtering through...

"... wasn't the right time..... Not safe."

As their voices raised in volume my head began to hurt more and I couldn't restrain the groan that slipped from my mouth. The voices stopped instantly and a moment later the door slammed shut, it's sound causing me to jump slightly. I opened my eyes to a darkened room with no one in sight. I thought for a moment that I had been left but my nose told me otherwise. Someones scent was still very close by....

" I know you are awake, and I know you can hear me. The stench of your fear is filling the room."

A male voice came from the darkest corner. At first I was somewhat comforted think I had been indeed left on my own and to suddenly know someone had stayed behind had made me somewhat nervous but...

" Fear? Hardly, I have very little left to fear. Death would be welcome at this point and I'm pretty sure the last shred of pride I tried to hold on to has been ripped from me. What's left to fear?"

A low chuckle drifted to me, sending an unfamiliar shiver up my spine.

"I pray you never find out. You may rest here for a while longer, then you need to gather your belongings."

Mixed feelings followed his words as I considered what he could be talking about. Was I being kicked out? Rescued?

* more likely they are having you clean up after yourself to make it easier to hide that we ever existed after they kill us*

Sky's words resonated deep into my soul as I realized just how true her words could be. I inhaled deeply, hoping to identify the man whom could very well be my executioner. My tension rose to a peak as his scent was familiar but I couldn't place a name. For some reason my mind flew to every unknown attacker, every time I had been struck by an unseen hand just as I rounded a corner. My fear of the dark was justified as many attacks happened when I had been asleep or bags were tied over my head to prevent me from knowing who was involved in case the Alpha or Luna ever asked me. The feeling of trying to use my sense of smell to compensate for my lack of sight was far to reminiscent of those moments and I broke into a cold sweat. My body began to tremble and my legs moved on their own accord, racing toward the door. I slammed into a wall and screamed in terror as the wall grabbed me. My stomach cramped and I felt a tightness in my throat as I struggled and kicked silently.

" Whoa... Calm down... Shhhhh"

His words meant nothing to me, they were the sounds of deception. Tears began to fall as I continued to fight. His arms were like a vice, holding me tight enough not to get away but not really hurting me. I slumped into his chest as raw sobs made their way out.

" Just do it", I whimpered. " Kill me now. I'm tired of waiting."

I felt rather than heard him stop breathing. His hands slid to my upper arms and his grip tightened to the point where it began to turn to pain. Part of my brain thought this is it even as my heart broke at the thought of never being free. To my surprise his next move wasn't to break my neck, which his massive hands could easily do, or to slap me for my insolence. He simply looked down at me, disbelief and pity filling his blue eyes.

" Is that truly what you want? To end your life before it even begins?"

I stood for what seemed like an eternity but in truth was probably only a moment, before shaking my head no.

" Then get your things together and let's get the hell out of this shithole."

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