Ch.5 Rebirth

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I moved swiftly but with a stiffness resulting from sore muscles as well as a fear if the unknown. Part of me thought it was ridiculous to trust anyone let alone some stranger with a scent that tiptoed at the ends of my memory like a shy child. Before I could even reconsider I had nodded and walked into the hall, finding myself one floor above my "bedroom". I slipped quietly down the stairs as if my voice would jinx the moment and I would be seen.

"What are you doing?" His deep voice rumbled from close behind me, making me jump slightly.

"I can't be caught on the stairs, I'm only allowed up here with permission", I whispered back. Suddenly very aware of his proximity I moved forward, closer to the stairs, before stopping again and facing him.

"How do you not know that? Who are you?" The fact that I hasn't even asked his name had escaped my notice and I mentally face palmed myself. For the first time I looked him squarely in the face. Something I hadn't done in years, not since I had basically become even lower than an Omega. At least they had a rank in the pack and were allowed to train. I was simply a punching bag, unworthy to even look upon a pack member.

"Grant, my name is Grant. And speed is more important than stealth. No one is here at the moment."

I was busy studying the strong jawline that led to those twinkling blue eyes. His dark hair carefully styles to make it seem as if he didn't style it at all. One of my rare treats was Star Trek and damned if this man wasn't Jonathan Frakes in the flesh. A little more muscular and with an air of danger, but close enough to make me look twice.

" Wait... What?," his words had sunk in," the house is almost never empty. What's going on?" I asked as I started moving again, cautious despite his reassurance.

" It's nothing that will matter soon, but we do need to hurry." As if to make his point Grant grabbed my hand and moved in front of me, pulling me along as he descended the stairs. For the first time I realized he was wearing gloves, in the middle of Spring, like a super spy, I was giggling at the thought before I could stop it.

What the hell was wrong with me? I was prone to giggling as a child when I was tired, it was one of my favorite memories, giggling till I cried. But here I was giddy, as I escaped with a stranger from a house full of trained wolves who would kill me as soon as look at me.

Gavin looked back at me strangely before sighing, setting me down on the stairs he muttered something about shock before opening the door to my little sanctuary. I jumped up and slid in front of him, wide eyed and feeling dramatic.

" Velcome to my lair, 007. Vould you liken a cop of zee teeeeea?" I gestured as if asking him in and as I bowed a wave of dizziness and nausea threw me off balance and I had to balance myself on the doorframe.

* something is wrong with you* Sky volunteered.

" Duh," I said both to her and aloud.

" Sit down a moment, you haven't eaten in a while, you lost quite a bit of blood and your wolf is weakened so you aren't healing well." Grant said quickly as he began stuffing things into a bag. Still unsure why I trusted him so much, I directed him to my hiding places for the things I truly valued. My space was invaded regularly so I never left anything I truly cared for out in the open.

" I am sorry," I said to his back as he zipped my meager belongings into a single backpack.

" I really do understand the risk you are taking, but I have to ask you... Why?" As my head cleared slightly I began to question his motives again. A stranger sweeps in and takes me away from my own personal hell? Way too fairy tale for me to believe. I don't believe in coincidence or fate. Something else was at play here.

Grant looked at me for a moment before replying.

" Look, I get that this is a lot to accept, and you have no reason to trust me. But, I can't explain, not yet. So let me ask you this, what do you have to lose by coming with me? To help you put it into perspective, consider this, right now as we speak the rest of your pack is at a criminal trial. The defendant will be put to death if found guilty and the votes were in before the trial began."

He grabbed my hand again and we moved to the back door through the kitchen. We stopped at the door and he handed me my bag.

" The trial is yours, Ava, you are accused of seducing another woman's mate and forcing yourself on him. They brought back the ancient Right of Retribution. For causing his mate pain and supposedly therefore the miscarriage of her unborn child, you will be stoned to death in the morning as the sun rises."

I stood there stunned as it dawned on me there they were seriously going to kill me for being raped.

Grant moved to a dark gray SUV that was parked in the back and opened its rear door.

" Your choice. Are you coming?"

There wasn't even a single person I wanted to say goodbye to as I watched the packhouse disappear behind me, as I moved on to my new life.

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