Ch.15 Darkness Within

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Ava stood in front of the mirror and took stock of what she saw. Not much had changed from the day she left her old pack. Same brown curly hair, same almond eyes, same caramel skin... What had changed was the confidence behind them and the strength of the body that supported that confidence. Doubts swirled through her head and she wondered if that confidence and strength would be enough to carry her through the next few weeks.

A set of warm arms slid around her waist and she leaned back into the comfort of the body behind her. She knew her mates touch would send her into dizzying joy, at least that's what she was told, but the familiar affection and acceptance was more than she had ever thought possible. Her relationship with Matthew hadn't crossed the line into declaring each other mates by choice, as many others in the pack had done, but it was just as fulfilling to her.

She was currently wrapped in a towel, fresh from the shower and he took advantage of the fact, placing a gentle kiss on her right shoulder. A small smile danced across her face as she felt her body come alive with the butterfly kisses that followed up her neck. She knew from stories that her mates kiss would be even more exquisite than this but she simply couldn't imagine anything more.

" I missed you today", he murmured into her back as he rested his forehead on her shoulder. " I want to spend every moment with you before you leave."

Ava turned and wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her toes to kiss him on the cheek as he looked down at her. He had grown a bit since they had met, a reminder that both of them would probably be considered "kids" had they been in a regular pack. Werewolves continued to gain height well into their teens just as humans sometimes did.

"I asked for a few days off before we leave. Most of the strategic meetings are done and it's more about logistics and maintaining our cover, things that can be done without my presence. I was thinking maybe an overnight trip to our spot?" Ava suggested.

" You still can't tell me where you're going? Or at least for how long?"

Ava took a step back with a sigh, this was an old topic that she didn't look forward to revisiting.

" You know I can't. Please, let's not argue," she pled as she moved to her closet to grab clothes.

While it wasn't unusual to see other pack members naked after or before a shift, modesty was still expected. And since Ava still held a tiny bit of hope she would one day meet her mate, she didn't want to disrespect him by being too free with her body. Although, looking back at Matthew as he waited for her to change in the bathroom, she had to admit she had a hard time justifying it to herself sometimes.

* I told you I wouldn't mind him as a mate of choice* Sky chimed in.

* And I told you we are still young, I care for him but if we take that step and one of us meets our mate it will make things messy, we can be patient* Ava replied.

*His wolf is hiding something from us, I think he may have already met his mate and something happened*

* And I told you that when the time is right we will both know... Well all four of us* Ava returned with a mental laugh.

Most wolves were intent on waiting for their mates, choosing a mate of choice only when other options were exhausted. Sky was so eager for Ava to experience as much life as she could that she was practically pimping her out!

Ending the conversation with a mental hug so to speak, Ava slipped on her favorite Spock socks and stepped back into her bedroom, shutting the bathroom door behind her.

"So camp out?" She asked, plopping onto the bed beside him and laying down next to him.

"Oooorrr," he trailed off.

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