Ch. 17 Parting

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It was time. Ava was done packing. The cars were ready and waiting. Everyone was briefed and knew their roles. She still hasn't given Matthew an answer and to make matters worse Grant wasn't talking to her at all. If she wasn't in the middle of it all it would be one of those love triangles she laughed at... The drama of it all.

With a sigh she grabbed the bag she was bringing in the car with her. Ipod, phone, book and her gummy bears were all in there. Some of it was redundant, like her books could all be found on her phone and she had a favorite app to read if she wanted original works. And music could be streamed on her phone as well, but without knowing how long she may be on this mission she wasn't going to take any chances. Making sure she had her charger and a backup charger she slung her bag over her shoulder, and with one last look at the room that had become home she shut the door and headed down the hall.

She still had a few minutes and wanted to swing by Matthews room to say one last goodbye. They had spent most of the night together because the group was originally scheduled to leave way earlier, but one of the cars had a check engine light on when the driver went to do a last minute check so they pushed the time back to do a quick diagnostic. She decided not to wake him because she wasn't sure if it was going to be a five minute fix or an all day kind of thing, but now that it was time to leave she couldn't resist giving him a good morning kiss. She couldn't commit to giving up on her mate yet, but she couldn't deny that Matthew really was all she could ask for if she were to design one. Protective, possessive, supportive and caring. He was romantic, handsome and considerate as well. Really, the only thing that was missing was that special something. That absolute certainty that you couldn't face another day without them by your side. She had debated with herself for days after he asked her to consider him, and while she felt somewhat greedy and cruel for wanting more than he could possibly give, she was honest with the fact that she really really wanted it. He was willing to wait and she was going use the time to make get her head straight. Sky had stopped harassing her, knowing how much she was agonizing over her decision.

She took the last step with a hop and turned toward the second door, Matthews room. She raised her hand to knock, in case he was already awake when she heard voices inside. At first she didn't think anything of it, but as her hand touched the knob a distinctly female moan drifted from under the door. Lower ranking wolves didn't have the privilege of sound proof rooms, that level of privacy came with necessity and it wasn't like meetings were going to be held there. But apparently there was some kind of meeting happening right now.

Her heart felt like it was imploding in on itself. A sweat broke out from her head to her feet and she winced as the intensity of their movements increased. There was no doubt in her mind now. A male wolf passed her on the way to his room, his look questioning her presence outside a room where the occupants were clearly occupied before moved on, the smirk on his face said that he assumed she was some kind of voyeur. She had to be sure. With her head held high she flung the door open and stepped across the threshold.

Tyrus POV

Things had gone from bad to worse. First the increase in attacks and CJ going missing. And when my response to increase training and including a larger range of wolves got to Jessica she not only threw a tantrum but she turned around and started "excusing" her friends and favorites. Claiming they were too pretty or delicate or valuable to join the fight if needed. At first it was just other female wolves but lately fewer males are showing up as well. Some because she had other duties for them and some just because they had lost respect for me, for the pack and worst of all some because they would rather go rogue. I growled as the latest census popped up on my computer. We officially didn't have enough warriors left to maintain a perimeter watch. Quickly deciding that those left would have to just picked up the slack, I ordered all shifts be extended. It would mean they only had six hours left off watch but hell, what else was there to do. I ran my hands through my hair and closed my eyes.

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