Ch.2 Alone

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I placed the pile by the door and tiptoed to my door to hide my sketchpad before anyone saw me, but I knew I wouldn't be able to hide for long. Sure enough I had no sooner finished tucking it away before I heard Jessica declare that she smelled something rancid.

"Hey looooser," Brandy sang out as she sauntered up to my door. " You're in trouble now, you better get your useless butt out here you ... you...oxymoron!", sadly I could see her brain pulsating with the effort it took to misuse the word. She smirked at me as if she had said something clever, only stopping when she saw a similar smirk reflected back at her. Growling she threw the contents of her cup in my face, the cold liquid stinging my eyes as the smell of alcohol filled the small space around me.

" You better watch it you stupid bitch... You have no where to hide this time," she practically spit out the word as she threw a well aimed kick into my stomach. I grunted as I doubled over in pain. The air refusing to refill my lungs as I fought to keep my balance. Even as I clenched my teeth and drew on my wolf's patience I wondered what she meant by that.

" Hurry up and get her out here, Brandy!" Bellowed a male voice from the living room. She grabbed the hair on the back of my head, forcing me into a submissive crouch as she dragged me out of my room and led me to my fate like a dog on a leash. My wolf half moaned half growled with a desire to sweep her feet from under her and pummel her until her makeup caked face was nothing more than a bloody pulp. But we both knew that was not on the agenda.

I fell in an ungraceful heap in the middle of the room and pulled myself onto my knees with my head down. This was the position I was forced to accept punishment in regularly. Alpha Richard would never allow it if he had known, but rogue attacks had increased over the year and he was gone more often lately to attend meetings and lend support to other packs. This left his son, Tyrus, in charge with Beta Clark lending his assistance. Thank the Moon Goddess that Alpha wasn't ever gone long. His mate usually chose to stay behind whenever possible and because she taught at the packs school she had to be back by Monday. The Alpha simply refused to be away from her longer than a few days. Just as the thought crossed my mind my wolf gasped * Spring Break!* Panic ripped through me like a wave as I remembered Brandy's words. I was on my own. I was never hurt so much that I couldn't heal in a day or two. But the packs school had a two week break and the Alpha was going to be gone for the entire time. I forced my hands to unclench at my sides and tried to force my body to relax despite the pounding of my heart and the sheen of sweat that I knew was on my brow.

The silence seemed to strangle me, forcing my throat closed and tempting me to scream out for relief. Something, anything was better than this oppressive silence. Just when I thought I couldn't take another second I heard a whimper fill the air. For a split second I thought the sound had escaped me, but the distinct lack of sincere fear, made that unlikely. Daring to take a peek up through my thick lashes I had to stop my self from rolling my eyes in disgust. Jessica was curled up on Tyrus's lap like a toddler. Her head on his shoulder as she pouted pitifully.

" Will you punish her for me, Ty baby?" Her voice was pitched to a childish tone that made me want to vomit. In fact, I think if she had said baby any higher, even my wolf enchanced hearing would have had a hard time catching it.

" No." My heart jumped for joy! Mercy? Really! I couldn't help the grin that was tugging at the corners of my mouth. I almost felt like crying in relief and then every good feeling that had blossomed was instantly crushed with his next works. " But you can...."

Brandy giggled as Jessica slowly uncurled her legs and slithered off of his lap like a cobra. Her eyes, narrowed into an evil glare as she approached me. My heart felt as if it had turned to stone, as if the sound of it beating would make me more of a target. That may have been true at this point. The first kick landed just under my ribs and forced me onto my side. My stomach received the second kick but for once I was grateful for the first kick, because the pain from it was still blocking out any other sensations. The blows began raining down on me and part of my brain registered that either I was blacking out between strikes or the tramp troop had joined their leader. Just as the spots dancing behind my closed eyes pulled me into a blessed darkness it all stopped.

" What did you say CJ? I couldn't hear it over this losers cries, " Jessica's voice reached through the haze. I hadn't even realized I had been making any noise, let alone crying.

" I said, I'm hungry. And I don't want that piece of shit bleeding into my food."

Silence. Then my ears rang with a slap that jarred my head.

Jessica's nasally voice followed, " Well?! Get up and make her food you lazy cow!"

I realized that the silence was the room waiting for me to follow what had obviously been an order. I crawled out of the room, my stomach heaving in pain wanting to expel what little food was contained within. I knew that if I stood I would be attacked again or worse I would show even more weakness and vomit in front of them.

" Make sure you wash your hands," was the only comment directed at me as I made my way into the hall and into the kitchen.

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