Ch.7 Up and Running

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A high pitched screech filled the spacious wood paneled office. Jessica threw a ledger off the desk and directly into the face of the man standing in front of her. Jared didn't flinch, but the clenching of his jaw and the low growl that started building in his chest indicated he wasn't entirely unaffected.

“What do mean she hasn't been found?" Jessica's heavily made up face contorted as another scream made every werewolf within a quarter mile wince. "It's been three fucking weeks! The stupid cow was in a coma! How far could she have gone?" Each complaint was followed with another projectile pitched at some unfortunate soul. The atmosphere in the Alphas office was tense to say the least. It had been three weeks since the trial and Jessica had been smug throughout the process. Most of the pack were a bit confused at the speed of the trial as well as the charges... The days of stoning adulterers had long passed. Werewolf society had progressed at the same pace as human society and while rare for mates the normal recourse, if there were one, would be divorce. The urgency was because it needed to be completed before the Alpha and Luna returned from the vacation Ty had convinced them to take, the charges... well, they were only a means to an end.

The thing that had the pack more concerned than a missing girl who couldn't even be considered an Omega in their minds, was the increasingly obvious control Jessica seemed to have over Tyrus and now the pack. Tyrus barely spoke and while this was not noticeable before, now that he was expected to step up and fill his father’s shoes in his absence it was hard to ignore. Jessica was ruling and he seemed content to let it happen. No one really cared that Ava was gone, but everyone did seem a bit quieter and more pensive.

The only thing that kept them from approaching Beta Clark was the knowledge that Alpha would be returning soon. That, and the fact that when Beta Clark had mentioned that Jessica was getting out of hand his entire family had suffered. He was sent out on patrol and returned to find his wife... a Betas wife... scrubbing floors while his children carried laundry. It was only one day but it proved a point and Beta Clark learned his place in the new order. In fact, the only one in the Betas family who escaped being practically shunned was CJ, who was currently watching Jessica's tantrum.

As a small bowl that had contained potpourri crashed into the wall beside her CJ glared at Jessica, her blue eyes flashing as her wolf lurked just beneath the surface. "Watch what you're doing bitch!" Complete silence smothered the room and all eyes focused on CJ. Before anyone could blink Jessica was flying across the room, her hand pulled back to deliver a blow. With a speed that defied nature CJ slid her body to the side and grabbed the outstretched arm at the wrist. With a smooth step back she pulled Jessica's arm and shoved her forward pressing her face into the wall that CJ had been leaning on only seconds before.

Tyrus stood up and moved toward the two girls. “Stop!" He bellowed a hint of the Alpha tone he would soon inherit in his voice. With any other wolf it would be enough to make them obey. But CJ was a Betas child and a strong one at that.

“Back off Ty," she sneered. “This is not something you want to get into right now." Tyrus seemed to consider his options and hesitated as he had to admit that not only had CJ been able to defy him, definitely making her stronger than Jessica and a more likely candidate for Luna, but the thought watching the girls fight kinda turned him on. Shaking his head he lowered himself into his chair. “CJ let her go we have more important things to handle."

Giving her grip one last squeeze upwards and being rewarded with a whimper from the young woman currently kissing the wall, CJ walked away her eyes still bright with her wolfs thrill from forcing another to submit. A true Beta, it rankled her to no end having to take orders from Jessica all this time and as Jessica’s demands grew her wolfs patience waned. 

“Look, she's gone. Does it matter where? Maybe hunters caught her, it’s not like she trained or knew any of our strategies. Hell, it’s not like she even knows where the safe rooms are so that not an issue. If the rogues got to her, the soap Jessica gave her hides her scent so they will either kill her as another rogue or accept her. Either way they won't be able to track her back to us and make demands for ransom or supplies. The problem is gone, find someone else to clean the damn floors and let’s get on with life." The trackers in the room murmured in agreement with CJ. This search was a waste of recourses; they were looking for one sickly girl when there were real world problems. It didn't take long for word to get out that the true Alpha was away, and that his untried son who was ruled by his girlfriend was in his place. It probably wasn't common knowledge that the Beta was basically powerless at the moment, and that small blessing was likely all that kept the rogues at bay. 

“My parents will be back soon, I had hoped to have this unpleasantness handled before they returned. If she comes back...I just want to make sure they know I can make the hard decisions," for a moment. just a moment Tyrus appeared as the vulnerable young wolf he truly was. Jessica took advantage of the moment and slithered her way from where she was still pouting against the wall and swaying her hips she made the move back to his lap. Cooing and stroking his head she whispered into Ty's ear, so low that even the exceptionally acute hearing of the other wolves in the room couldn't hear it. Ty's body language changed slightly as he sat up straighter, nodding slightly in agreement as he opened his eyes and looked at the pack members present.

“Find her, find her and kill the bitch', it was given as an order and as such there was no more room for discussion. Just as the group turned to leave with an assortment of "yes Alpha" and “as you say Alpha" the door swung open admitting a panting young wolf. Ty stood to admonish the pup, but before he could get a word out he was cut off.

‘They are dead," he gasped out, “The Alpha and the Luna, they are dead!" The room burst into chaos. Questions, demands, and tears filled the air. Tyrus, now Alpha Tyrus slumped behind his desk. CJ stood in shock, her mouth slack jawed. Jessica stroked Ty's head, to all appearances offering her comfort, although if one followed her gaze to the wall, they would have seen her eyes locked on the plaque that named the current pack leaders, and they triumphant smirk that crossed her face.

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