Chapter 6

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Ishaan's office table was scattered with documents. The small area where he worked on the computer was clean a little but besides that everything in his office was filled with bundles of papers and files. The curtains against the glass window were already open, letting enough sunlight to brighten the room. Four dustbins aligned near the table were half filled with wrappers, crumbled papers and lots of drink packets. A perfect view for his eyes that he liked, busy with the schedule that he probably didn't care about a bit, yet happy to take more just to reduce the workload off his brother's shoulder. That's the secret of Malhotra Industries' growing success, their CEO attaining more than any company of the country could do just because of this one helping hand that's doing more than the work of hundreds.

His eyes were focused, scribbling something on the papers when someone knocked on the door of his cabin. His body didn't budge to respond and the clack of heels hitting the ground could be heard already.

Ishaan felt the air of his cabin slowly changing its aroma from light, orchidee to thick and metallic, mixed with blood and he immediately knew it's regular.

His lips curled a little on one corner and eyes rolled up seductively, looking at the person cladded in the business attire, wearing a white shirt and tight pencil skirt up her waist. She stood with a small tray having two packets of blood, opened by their mouth whose smell had hit him in the first place.

"Why are you here?"

"Breakfast." Natasha exclaimed, raising the tray in her hands and moving forth, "I know you haven't drinken blood in a while. Have you taken a look of your face, it looks so pale."

Walking up to his table, she put the packet on his files and stopped him from continuing any. Gaining his attention, she bent forward slowly, her deep cleavage exposing almost on his face as she reached out a hand to hold his jaw and turned on either side to prove her ungrounded point.

Natasha smirked in glossiness. She licked her lips and started trailing her fingers sensually on Ishaan's jaw, but before it could cover more space on his skin, he held her hand immediately and pushed her back, causing Natasha to stumble and she stopped abruptly. Her eyes rolled back on Ishaan, disappointed but not surprised.

"Not now, my lady." He said it calmly and smiled, yet the warning tone in his words didn't go unnoticed by her. He opened a drawer and dumped the packet in it before mumbling, "I've just had it last night. I'm not hungry."

Grabbing his pen back again he started doing his paperwork without minding any of her reactions further. He knew Natasha would do anything to stir his emotions to gain his attention on her. Blood and seduction is on the top of any but since now both of them are rejected, he was assured there won't be anything so he continued filling the files.

"It's okay if you don't want to take it right away, you will need it anyways."

She walked to the sofa on the other end and sat herself comfortably, observing a few things that had not been changed for months.

"I've already had 4 of them, Nat, you added the fifth." Ishaan said plainly without looking at her.

"You will thank me when your stress will be amplified and you will have nothing to reduce it." Natasha rested her head on the backrest of the sofa and shut her eyes.

"Seems like you're more stressed than me."

"Because of your brother, yes I am."

"What did he do?" Ishaan frowned though still didn't look at her.

She opened her eyes and gazed at him with a raised brow.

"Don't you know? There's this new chick in the office who got the job on the basis of your brother's recommendation. A fucking RECOMMENDATION from the CEO itself! And that was just on basis because she had worked in our company's old branch like any ordinary person could do and gets her job done by a recommendation! Really!? Is it so easy to get a job for an inexperienced, unskilled, lowkey person?"

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