Chapter 4: Back on the water

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Luz pov.

I woke up in my bed as usual only I had a worse hangover then usual.

"Uuugh..." I groaned.

I slowly sat up in my hammock too find a certain someone next to me. I looked down too see Amity next to me. I froze up and my eyes widened a little.

~She is so pretty when she sleeps~ I thought.

I could see her body slowly rise and fall as she breathed. I snapped out of me trance and slowly got out of the hammock and made my way down stairs.

~Ya we shared rooms but why was she there with me?~ I thought.

And that's when it hit me...


I came too the bottom of the steps to find Raine sorting through some bottles on the shelves, as King was sleeping on the floor.

"*Yawn* Morning Raine..." I said still half asleep even after being zapped awake from the thought that me and Amity may have done something last night.

Morning Luz, how'd ya sleep?" Raine asked.

"Pretty well, how bout you?" I asked.

"Ok I suppose just as any other night....", Raine answered giving a shrug.

"Anyone else awake?" I asked.

"No just you and me." Raine responded.

"Hey uh....did anything happen last night with me and uh......someone?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Raine asked.

"Oh what did happen last night?" I asked.

"Well you and everyone else got drunk with Eda...Willow pushed Viney off of Hunter, Jerbo fell into that barrel...oh and I remember we all sang and just had a fun." Raine responded.

"Ok g-" I was interrupted by Raine.

"Oh and you and Amity went upstairs." Raine said getting back to whatever he was doing.

My stomach dropped a little and my eyes widened.

"Um ok......I gotta go!" I said leaving the shop.

I speed walked down to the Shady Inn. It was a inn I liked which is also where I got most of my info on where the kings ships are. I entered and took my usual seat at the bar. I was greeted by the bartender Morton.

"Hey Luz how ya been?" Morton asked.

"Meh same ol same ol...I'll take a bottle of my usual." I said.

"Anything to eat?" Morton asked.

"No not right now but...." I said looking both ways.

"Hear anything about a new ship?" I whispered.

"Nothing much.....well I do know about a ship passing by that old volcano that's out away's. I'm not sure what's on it, but I hear it's got some interesting info for sure!" Morton whispered.

Morton poured my drink and placed it infront of me. I picked up the glass as I chuckled and took a swig.

"Hehehe well I do love information! Thank's for the tip Mort have a good one." I said finishing off my drink and heading out of the inn.

"No problem Luz be safe and such!.....WAIT YOU DIDN'T PAY!" Morton yelled to me as I left.

"Oh ya uh...put it on Boscha's tab!" I yelled back in response.

"Ok..." Morton said.

I walked out into the muddy and gloomy street beginning my venture home.

Amity pov.

I woke up in Luz's hammock alone. I groaned and sat up.

"Huh...Luz's hammock what am I doing here....and where is she?" I said.

I began to walk out of the empty room as it hit me.

"OH.....shit...." I said.

I remember we came up here and I know we made out but I don't know if we went any further...

"Shit shit shit shit shit..." I muttered to myself.

I didn't know what to do.

~Oh God if Luz remembers then she'll probably hate me! Fuck.....why did I do that ugh!? Now I can never.....maybe she doesn't remember anything?~ I thought.

I began to ponder hard until I came downstairs to find Raine stocking something.

"Oh uh good morning Raine." I said giving a yawn.

"Good morning Amity how'd ya sleep?" Raine asked.

"Oh uh.......fiiiiineeee......." I said giving a shrug and a nervous smile and a chuckle to match.

"Ooookaaay..." Raine said.

Hunter walked in looking very tired. He yawned and sat on the counter.

"Morning Hunter." I said giving a wave.

"Morning guys..." Hunter said.

"So uh....what happened last night?" I asked.

"Heh Luz asked the same question a minute ago!" Raine said giving a chuckle.

~OH SHIT!~ I thought silently.

"Oh ya?" I asked.

"Mhm she was wondering what happened so I told her, and then she asked if anything happened with you and her. So I told her y'all went upstairs and that's the last anyone saw of you." Raine said.

"Ok uh....thank ya!" I said.

"Oh wait-" Hunter said.

"Hm?" I said.

Hunter opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Luz who kicked the door open.


We all jumped at her sudden entry.

"Oh where is it Captain?" Hunter asked

"Out by that old volcano, go wake the others!" Luz said gesturing to the door.

Hunter walked through the door to wake everyone up. I walked over to Luz to talk about last night but was interrupted.

"OW!" Hunter screamed from the other room.

"What the..." Luz said.

Hunter walked back out with a bump on his cheek bone.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I tried to wake up Willow but she punched me out of reflex..." Hunter said.

"Pft." I said holding back my laughter.

10 minutes later

Luz pov.

Everyone was awake, and we said goodbye to Eda, Raine, King, Hooty, and Owlbert, so we made our way to our boat. We all walked down the murky roads passing many suspicious characters as usual. We eventually came to the docks to find our boat with a sleeping Matt on the deck. Gus kicked his boot which woke Matt up.

"Rise and shine dumbass!" Gus said.

"Oh go away I was sleeping!" Matt responded.

"No now get up time to set sail!" Gus said raising Matt to his feet.

"Ok ok fine geez.." Matt said walking down deck. We all got prepared to set sail after a fun night if drinking and...who knows what else happened. I took my place behind the wheel and it felt good! It felt good to be back on the water!

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