(1) Kreek's Victorious Win

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Kreek's POV:

It was the last minigame.. the rest of the competitors were watching from the VIP lounge, I could hear Username screaming my name from a far, Hyper and Poke curled up in a ball sweating to see who would win, me or Tofuu? Who would take it all home. I was nervous as this was the first finale and Tofuu and I were tied so we had to do a sudden death match. Seedeng makes a joke statement about what if me and Tofuu were on the same team. My hopes of a few more minigames of ties to have time to prepare were crushed when I was on a team with Brianna. Hopefully she doesn't sabotage but she also seems nervous and confused, deciding to either help me or Tofuu. The crowd was yelling, a mix of mine and Tofuus name. Me and Bri smashed those blocks as fast as we could as Seedeng and Tofuu were too. They were both in a YouTube group called the Crew meaning the rest of the Crew, Poke and Ant were watching, hoping Tofuu could win for them. I was assuming that there were more Crew members but I wasn't too sure, I couldn't think straight as I was so focused right now. I was hoping to take the win for my friends such as Username and Napkin. Russo was saying the countdown, only 5 seconds left till the winner. Tofuu was yelling that he might pass out, Seedeng was standing on the blocks while yelling with Bri. Everyone was in sync counting down.. 3....2...1. and it was game over. DJ was announcing the winner.. Bri came 4th,Seedeng with 3rd and the 2nd and 1st place was between me and Tofuu, I gotta say it was a tough match and I was sweating so bad throughout the whole finale. My fans were crossing their fingers hoping I won.

DJ: and the winner of the 1st ever RB Battles championship, earning them 1 Million robux, a custom RB Battles champion swordpack and the season 1 RB Battles trophy is...

The screen showed Tofuu for a minute which led the Tofuu fans screaming but there was a twist.The fans soon suddenly fell silent leaving me and Tofuu shocked.


I was so shocked and I felt like I was going to pass out, my hands and legs were shaking in fact I was shaking so much I could faint. I could hear my girlfriend screaming my name along with my fans who were screaming the loudest for my Victorious Win. I can't believe I did it, after 7 hours of studying and practicing my legs off I did it.. the Tofuu fans felt defeated since they couldn't get the shield but they all started congratulating me, the other people who didn't vote or know me also congratulated me in the crowd, most people were toxic about it but that's okay I didn't really care, I was too in shock that I won. Tofuu walked up to me hugging and patting my back saying GG meanwhile Bri and Seedeng ran up and joined in the hug. Russo then interviewed me giving me my trophy,my swordpack and my 1 million robux.

Russo: how does it feel to win this whole thing and have reputation for life? 16 competitiors and you were on top!

Kreek: it felt really great, i actually might pass out omg.. thank you I really had fun and big thanks to all of you and Roblox for creating this event it was so much fun I'd say this was one of the biggest events this year! And huge shout-out to Tofuu I mean he was so close I honestly thought he won too!

After my speech, the VIP lounge door opened and there stood the rest of the competitors, they all ran up to me and picked me up and started celebrating my win. They also picked up Bri,Seedang and Tofuu as they also played well in the finale. It was all great and we all agreed to celebrate at the RBB lobby.

It was a few hours after they recorded and edited the finale which meant we could continue our celebration!
I went in with my champion swordpack and my new golden dominus I bought, haha I probably looked spoiled but to be honest it was my dream to have one. Username and I were chatting talking about who the better jailbreak player was and he started jokingly insulting my gold dominus, dang he is such an annoying but great rival.

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