(5) A Coincidental meeting decided by Fate.

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(*Fast forward to the present, this is the day after Everyone left the small apartment they stayed at, currently you know what happened considering I wrote this is chapter 1 but decided to write some flashbacks and recaps of what happened during Everyone’s stay at the apartment! Woah 200+ reads THATS amazing! It’s nearly surpassing my last story 👀 tysm! Oh and I won’t be using their real life names as I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable and I feel weird using it too lol! Anywho on to the story❤️*)


Kreek’s POV: 

I woke up to see my girlfriend sitting on my bed, waiting for me to wake up. The sun was shining on her making her look as if she was glowing. She looked absolutely beautiful today. I was stunned by her beauty as she repeatedly shook me to wake myself up.


“Woah, Kayla… you look like an angel today.” I replied.

I saw Kayla’s face heat up at my sudden response as her face instantly flushed into a bright,rosy red colour. She looked like a tomato, it was so cute. I giggled at her flustered reaction and sat up and immediately embraced her in a soft,warm hug. In response, she buried her cute,tiny face in my chest as she started softly punching my stomach. It didn’t hurt as she didn’t intend on hurting me but it did tickle which left me giggling. Frustrated at my reaction, she broke out of the hug and grabbed my hand and started pulling me downstairs. I realised how cold her hands were and immediately stopped her. We were already downstairs in the hallway. Kayla then turned around and looked at me with a confused look.

“What’s wrong Kreek?” Kayla questioned in a sweet tone.

“Your hands are cold… why are they cold, are you okay? Let me warm you up! You know what I’m taking you to bed!”


I interrupted her by picking her up bridal style and carrying her upstairs into the room we shared. I placed her down on the bed and tucked her in.  I told her to rest for awile as I was worried she might get a cold. Yes I seem pretty overprotective in this situation but she rarely has cold hands and they were very cold! I left her in the room to rest, and as I was about to go downstairs to eat breakfast I heard a notification sound on my phone, that was located beside my PC on the table. I went over to pick my phone up and check my notifications to see that I got a text message from Russo. The message said, “Hey Kreek! I know it's been 1 week since the finale and a day after our stay at the apartment but, I was wondering when you’ll be free to host a video with us? It’s where we bring the season 1 defending champion back to fight us as we recently got a play button for the Rb Battles channel, but unfortunately me and the hosts couldn’t decide who gets it because we all share that channel, so we decided to do what we always do! Invite people to fight us! It would also hype our fans while they wait for season 2, so...do you want to do it?”

I started texting him back while slowly walking downstairs as I was starving for some food. I wrote:

“Yeah man it's sounds exciting! Of course I’ll join! But I’m probably free like next week or so, Let’s just talk about it later as I’m about to have breakfast. Oh yeah I woke up late again LOL!”

I turned my phone off and placed it in my right pocket, I had pockets in my pyjamas because it’s very useful. As I arrived at the kitchen, I sat down on my usual seat which was located at the right side of the table corner. I started eating my toast and eggs with some poptarts because I just love poptarts so much I can’t live a day without them! It’s nice to know that my breakfast wasn’t that cold! After I finished my delicious meal, I sat up and started picking up the dishes and put them in the sink for them to soak in the water. After awile of letting them soak in the water, I put my gloves on and started scrubbing the dirt off the dishes with a soap and sponge. I could’ve used the dishwasher but I felt like washing them today. As I was washing the dishes, I started to think of some video ideas for my channel, I found it useful for me to wash the dishes while I think because the sound of the water running is really calming, which makes it easier for me to zone out and think of ideas.  I finished washing the dishes and remembered that I was running out of poptarts. I went to go grab my coat but i also needed to tell Kayla that I was going out. I didn't feel like telling her right now as I didn't wanna interrupt her peaceful slumber so I decided to leave a note on the table beside our bed. I even sent a message just in case the note falls over or something. I quickly grabbed my classic red and black hoodie with some black jeans and ran to the bathroom in order for me to change my clothes. It took me probably about 5 minutes to get ready and when I was done I literally sprinted downstairs, I NEED TO GO TO WALMART BEFORE THE POPTARTS RUN OUT!

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