(7) Disappearance

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Battler's POV:

I was hanging out with my sister Thea until she spotted her friends from afar, she then looked at me as I nodded in approval, signalling that we can part ways from here, she then hugged me tight and ran off with her friends. I didn't mind being alone as I preferred seeing my sister have fun and be happy, that's what siblings are for right? I was about to take my leave as I heard a familiar voice yell my name from behind me.


I turned around to notice a familiar bacon hair sitting beside another guy wearing a tiger hat. This day just got crazy... never did I expect to see 2 sweaty jailbreak tryhards who were both known to be rivals of each other, sitting beside each other for what seemed like a picnic with a few friends 'playfully' attacking each other in the background. Myusernamesthis and Kreekcraft. I'm assuming the other two were NapkinNate and Straw. Both Kreek and User sprinted at me which kind of scared me as I found tryhards like them quite imitating. I stood there, stunned until we were face to face with each other. I stared at them with confusion but I felt delighted to see some familiar faces for once.

I slowly approached them.

"Kreek, User, nice to see you guys again, what brings you guys here?" I happily asked.

"Oh, me and User are doing well! We were just having a picnic with Napkin and Straw! How about you?" Kreek responded.

"Nice to know you guys are well, I was just walking with my sister until we separate ways."

"YOU HAVE A SISTER? SINCE WHEN!?" Kreek exclaimed as User's eyes widened in shock and possibly confusion.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you guys before in the RB Battles lobby...?" I answered.

Kreek and User turned to stare at each other until they both suddenly remembered as they both replied with an "Ohh yeah" in sync.

"Anyway, is there anything you guys need?" I questioned, wondering why they called me over, was it to hang out or did something happen that I needed to be notified about.

Kreek and User looked at eachother, signalling one of them to speak. Kreek sighed and began to speak.

"It's quite complicated and it's very secretive, mind if I add you to the group on discord?"

"Yeah, of course, I don't mind!" I replied, taking my phone out of my pocket as I opened discord. Kreek took his phone out and a few minutes later, I received the invitation link.

"Thanks, just chat to me later when you have to, have a great day with your friends!" I said before leaving them both behind. Both Kreek and User responded by saying goodbye from afar as they both waved at me. I then shifted my gaze towards my phone as I decided to check on my messages. Huh? A notification from Sabrina.

╭-୨୧・˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

(Battler = ⚔️ Sabrina = 💜)


Hey Battler! Long time no see, how are you?

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