(9) spared

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[Later on with Bri and Leah..]

"Girl I can't wait for the video to be finished editing!"

"Leah.. We just shot it a few days ago, it'll take awhile to set up a lot of stuff, I can't believe season 2 is happening soon!" Cyber continues as the two girls squeal in delight, excitement does brighten the energy as people say.

"How's your injuries Cyber?"

"Not bad, could've been worse but at least Bri helped us out! Yours?"

"Been feeling better! Let's go catch up with Bri now at the cafe, I'm sure she's hiding something big as well" Leah finishes before speaking once again.

"This walk was a great idea to take the stress off our shoulders, let's stay on guard though since he's back.." Leah muttered.

"as long as we have each other, we'll be okay! Hopefully since we are kind of still injured and weak. Let's hurry and meet up with Bri!" Cyber responded as they both shrugged off the negative feeling.

Few minutes later and they were able to relax. As they both gossip about interesting life topics, both Leah and Cyber found themselves surrounded by a horde of hooded robots, their metallic bodies gleaming ominously in the dim light. As the robots closed in, Cyber was forcefully snatched away, leaving Leah screaming in despair, Cyber was desperately trying to free herself but it was no use, they were outnumbered. Leah was trying to catch up and free Cyber, reaching out futilely as her friend disappeared into the darkness.

Amidst the chaos and mechanical whirring, Cyber managed to utter a few words to Leah, their voice filled with sorrow and regret. With tears streaming down their face, Cyber whispered,

"Leah, please survive ,please keep going and please warn the others, I hope I'll still see you in one piece if we ever meet again, GET TO BRI HURRY!"

Leah, paralyzed by fear and helplessness, could only watch in agony as Cyber was taken away, their voices fading into the distance.

The tragic scene left Leah shattered, the echoes of Cyber's parting words haunting her every thought. As the robots retreated into the shadows, Leah was left alone, clutching onto what was left, her crown. Leah felt helpless in the situation, she wondered how she just let them get away with it.. And why she was spared.

"I can't let her words be in vain, I have to do something.. Bri I'm coming!"


Guys I'm loosing motivation to write 😟 my gacha instincts are telling me to make some vent backstories for this AU or so.. For the lore 👀, but yes I'm back I guess 😱🥳🥳🥳✨I hope everyone's been doing good so far! Hope y'all are still alive 😭 I'm in my haikyuu phase again send help 😍😜🫶🏻 anyways cya in the next chapter: stay safe y'all ❤️❤️

Word count: 464

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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