(6) Working Together

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(Before I start let me just say THANK YOU ALL FOR 1K+ VIEWS/READS!!! Really didn't expect my story to blow up lol, means a lot to me thank you ❤️ you're all so amazing! As a special and an apology chapter for the lack of updates, I decided to make this chapter special! Some of you probably already know 👀but if not you're probably wondering what it is. Well, this story contains 10,000+ words therefore making it longer and possibly more enjoyable for you guys to read while waiting for upcoming chapters! I worked a lot on this chapter to make it seem enjoyable as new ideas were popping in my head so hopefully it paid off lmao! Any feedback would be highly appreciated! Working on chapter 2 for the other book based off Battler's side of the story (story focused on Battler), Without further a do, Enjoy :) -Yukimi/Zane)


Tanqr's POV:

It's been a day ever since my encounter with Kreekcraft. He insisted on dropping me over to my house which I found grateful, but it's currently 5:50 am in the morning. I had quite the long slumber so i eventually woke up on my own, surprisingly I woke up early. I was thinking about what video ideas should I do for my YouTube channel. Just then I got a notification from my twitter dms. I opened my twitter messages and what I saw got me sitting up straight in excitement. Russo had sent me a message, it has said:

"Hey there Tanqr! It's been awile since we chatted! I still remember the time where we started a war with each other it was so much fun! I was thinking if you'd like to join RB Battles season 2 next year? You were one of the most voted person to join as we asked fans to suggest some new competitors to join! Would you like to enter the tournament?"

Of course I replied with a yes, this is an opportunity for me to beat the defending champion and steal his crown, that's a pretty weird goal but I really had nothing else to do other than play arsenal so sure why not? Seems fun and besides, it's a chance for 1 million robux... I could use that for something. It's already October so maybe they'll do it somewhere in January as it's not so much of a busy month. I was going to place my phone down until I got a notification from an unknown user. I was surprised on why a random person would text me as I'm pretty sure I never leaked any of my socials on my YouTube channel. Curiosity hit me so I decirte check it out, maybe it was an accident or a mistake as people can mess up and message the wrong people. I checked the message and was very startled by what it said.

"Don't join RBB, this is a warning, don't get involved in the upcoming conflict, even though you're not a main target you'll be bait..."

What the hell? What does this mean!? Who is this person and what do they mean? I have to ask Russo about this. I didn't block them yet as I had to investigate this person. I replied with a message that said:

"Hey mate uh I have no idea what you're talking about, maybe you have the wrong number or something..."

I decided to place my phone down till i got a notification from Russo. Seems he added me to a discord group with the hosts and 15 other people. It was a season 2 group chat.
I checked the messages and it seems the only ones chatting were who i assumed were the season 1 contestants as they all seemed to have s1 as their roles while me and the others had s2. Seems like they were all talking like old friends, hopefully i'll be able to connect with a few people here like they were. I just stared at the conversations and it was quite the entertainment.


Bri: Preston, don't be rude!

Preston: i'm not 😥

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