Chapter Eight

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Seraphina’s P.O.V
After getting Buckbeak from getting killed, we eventually stopped before Harry spoke up, “now what?” he asked us, “we save Sirius.” Hermione said, “how?” Harry and I asked her, “No Idea.” she said as we followed her before we stopped running as we found a view of the Whomping Willow before we saw Uncle Remus and mum, “look it’s lupin.” Hermione said, “and mum.” I said to them before Uncle Remus managed to stop the Whomping Willow from moving, “and Snape’s Coming.” Hermione said to us, “and now we wait.” Harry said to us, “now we wait.” Hermione and I said before the three of us sat down before Bats flew past us before noticing Buckbeak, “at last someone is enjoying themselves.” Hermione said to us, “Hermione, Seraphina.” Harry said, “yeah.” The both of us said to him, “Before, down by the lake, when I was with Sirius, I did see someone. That someone made the Dementor’s go away.” Harry said to us, “with a Patronus.” I said to him, “we heard Snape telling Dumbledore. According to him, only a really Powerful Wizard could have conjured it.” Hermione told him, “it was my dad. It was my dad who conjured the Patronus.” he said to us, “how can you be so sure?” I asked him, “Harry, your dad’s-” and before Hermione could finish, Harry spoke up, “dead I know. I’m just telling you what I saw.” Harry said to us before we saw ourselves walking out of the Whomping Willow, “look, here we come.” Hermione said to us as we watched, “Do you see Sirius with Professor Black, Regulus and Seraphina,Talking with me there?” Harry asked, “they’re asking me to come and live with them.” Harry said, “I think it’s the best Idea they came up with.” I said to him, “that’s great.” Hermione said, “When we free him, I’ll never have to go back to the Dursley’s it'll just be me and them. We could live in the country, some place we could see the sky. I think he’ll like that after all those years in Azkaban” Harry said to us, “I think so too.” I said to him before we began to watch everything that happened before, happen again, “let’s go.” Harry said and we followed mum, dad and Uncle Remus from a distance before Hermione started Howling, “what are you doing?” Harry asked her, “saving your life.” Hermione said, “have you gone mad?” I said to her before she started howling again before Uncle Remus started running towards us, “great, now he’s coming for us.” Harry mentioned, “yeah, didn’t think about that.” Hermione said, “Wow, you don’t hear that everyday.” I said as we started running away from Uncle Remus before we eventually hid behind a tree for the time being and as we were trying to sneak away, I noticed Uncle Remus had seen us, “guys, we might want to start running again.” I said to them and before either of us could do anything, Buckbeak had gotten in front of us and managed to attack Uncle Remus before he ran off, “poor Professor Lupin is having a really rough night.” Harry said to us, “no kidding.” I said to him before the breeze picked up before seeing Dementor’s flying above us, “Sirius.” Harry said before we rushed to find dad. 

By the time we found him, Harry’s Past self was already with him before the Dementor’s started attacking them, “this is horrible.” Hermione said to us, “don’t worry, my dad will come. He’ll conjure the Patronus.” Harry said, “but what if it wasn’t him?” I questioned him, “any minute now. Right there, you’ll see.” Harry said, still believing that it was his father, “Harry, listen to me, Seraphina might be right, no one’s coming.” Hermione told him, “don’t worry, he will. He will come.” Harry said to us as the Dementor’s continued, “you’re dying, both of you.” Hermione said to Harry before he rushed to where he thought he saw his dad, “EXPECTO PATRONUM.” he said and he was able to conjure his Patronus before Harry came back and we went back to Buckbeak. We eventually made it back to Buckbeak and got on his back and flew to where Dumbledore said dad was being held, “you guys were right, it wasn’t my dad I saw earlier, it was me.I saw myself conjure the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time because I’ve already done it. Does that make sense?” Harry said to us, “no.” Both Hermione and I said to him, “but I don’t like flying.” she said before we dove before we finally made it to the Dark Tower and got off Buckbeak, “Bombarda.” Hermione said before the gate was blown off its hinges before Dad walked out and we got back on Buckbeak before we made it to the courtyard before getting off of Buckbeak again, “I’ll be forever grateful for this. To the three of you.” Dad said to us, “I want to go with you.” Harry said, “yeah, we want you to come home.” I said to him, “one day perhaps. For some time now my life will be too unpredictable and besides, the both of you are meant to be here.” Dad said to us, “but you’re innocent.” Harry said to him, “and you both know it and for now that will do.'' Dad said to us before speaking up to Harry, “I expect you’re tired of hearing this but you look so much like your father. Except your eyes, you have your-” Dad said before Harry spoke up, “my mother’s eyes.” Harry said, “it’s cruel that I got to spend so much time with James, Lily and your mother and you two so little. But know this, the ones that love us never really leave us and you can always find them, in here." Dad said as he pointed to our chests and I smiled a little before he stood up and so did Harry and myself, “Seraphina, I want a moment.” Dad said before Harry walked away, “I may not be home for a while but I will be sooner than you think but tell your mother and brother that I love them both and that I will see them soon. But if it makes you feel any better, I will try and come home.” Dad said to me and I nodded, “ok” I said to him, “I love you my darling Seraphina, remember that.” he said to me and I hugged him, “I love you too.” I Said to him and after a moment, we moved away from the hug before he went over to Buckbeak and got back on his back, “you really are the brightest Witch of your age.” he said to Hermione before Buckbeak flew away and after a few moments, we began to hear the bell before Hermione spoke up, “we have to go.” she said to us as we ran back to the Hospital Wing and by the time we got there, Dumbledore was just leaving, “well?” Dumbledore asked, “he’s free. We did it.” Harry told him, “did what? Goodnight.” Dumbledore said to us before we all looked at each other before opening the door and watched ourselves disappear.

Kathleen’s P.O.V
After a short moment, Harry, Hermione and Seraphina walked through the doors not long after seeing them disappearing in the middle of the room, “how did you get there when I was only talking to you there and now you're there.” Ron said to them and I chuckled a little before Seraphina walked over to me before Hermione and Harry spoke up, “what’s he talking about Harry?” Hermione asked him, “I don’t know. Honestly Ron, how can somebody be in two places at once?” Harry said to him, “Come on you two, stop teasing the poor boy.” I said to them as we chuckled a little before I looked at Seraphina, “how was it?” I asked her, “I think we did good. We got to set Buckbeak free along with dad.” she said to me, “where is your father by the way?” I asked her, “he said his life would be too unpredictable so he won’t be home for a while but he said he would try. He also said he loved you. Both of you.” She said to me and I let out a sigh, “he’s right, everything around him will be too unpredictable. Let’s just be glad he was able to get out to begin with.” I said to them before the both of them hugged me, “I love you both so much you know that right?” I said to them, “I love you mum” Regulus said, “I love you too.” Seraphina said and the three of us talked for a while before the both of them ended up falling asleep on either side of me and I smiled to myself a little before I ended falling asleep myself later that night.

It was another day and everyone was going in and out of Hospital Wing and I managed to leave after Madam Pomfrey checked up on me before I went to see how Remus was doing after seeing him leave moments before I did and I looked around before I finally found him talking with Harry in his office and after a few moment’s they both noticed me, “do you mind giving us a moment Harry.” Remus said to him before Harry walked out of the room, “I’m sorry that I hurt you. Did I hurt the kids?” he said to me, “no, they’re fine and you have nothing to be sorry about. It was Snape’s fault for not giving you the potion in the first place otherwise none of that would have happened. So if it’s anyone’s fault it’s his.” I said to him and he just sighed before I noticed he’d already packed his things, “you planning on going somewhere?” I asked him, “I resigned if that’s what you mean.” he said to me, “you’re joking? Why did you resign?” I asked him, “because, the student’s parent’s won’t want someone like me teaching their children after finding out about me.” he said to me, “I’m sure Dumbledore will say something to them.” I said to him, “no, I don’t want that. Bsides, he’s already done enough for me. I don’t want him risking much more on my behalf.” he said to me and I sighed knowing he won’t let me talk him into staying, “the kids are going to miss you here but if you need a place to stay, you’re always welcome at mine.” I told him, “I know, but thank you.” he said to me as the both of us walked out of the room and I went to the Great Hall to get something to eat before seeing Harry and a few others run out and I went to see what was going on before seeing Harry, Seraphina and Regulus get on new brooms they have gotten before they flew off and I sighed to myself knowing who had gotten them the brooms but smiled as they had a good time flying around before everyone eventually made it back inside before Regulus and Seraphina rushed up to me, “look mum.” Regulus said to me, “Let me guess, it was your father.” I said to them hoping no one heard me, “we think so.” Seraphina said to me, “well, why don’t you both put them away and get to class alright.” I said to them and they both nodded and I sighed a little before making it to my classroom and went on with my day.

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