Chapter Thirty Nine

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Kathleen’s P.O.V
It was another day and the kids were doing their own thing before Sirius and I had gotten a letter and saw that it was From Remus and Sirius began to read the letter, “so, what does it say?” I asked him, “the wedding is tomorrow and he wants to make sure we’ll be there.” he said to me and I smiled before I went to the kids, “do you guys want to go to Uncle Moony’s wedding tomorrow?” I asked them, “Uncle Moony is getting married? Why didn’t you tell us before?” Seraohina asked us, “Well, we wanted it to be a surprise.” Sirius told her, “when is it going to be?” Regulus asked, “soon, I hope.” I said before looking at Sirius, “he said it was going to be in a couple of days.” he said to me and I smiled a little as I’m glad that Remus is finally with someone and not running away from the relationship. Later that night, it started getting late as the kids were in their rooms doing their own thing while Sirius and I were in our room and  had gotten change into some pajamas and  the both of us spent some time together, “what do you think is going to happen now that Dumbledore is gone?” I asked him, “I don’t know but I have no doubt that this will end in a fight.” He said to me and I sighed a little, “I’m hoping that it won’t come to that.” I said to him, “I’m sure you’re not the only one but at this point, I don’t know if we have a choice at this point.” he said to me and I started getting emotional before Sirius noticed, “hey, look at me, I know this isn’t the best of times and that everything is changing but we will get through this alright. We all will.” he said to me, “I’m scared of losing the kids and Remus, especially you.” I said to him as I started crying a little, “I know I don’t want that either alright but we just have to stick together through all of this and be there for each other alright.” he said to me and I eventually managed to calm down a little before wiping the tears away before we heard someone walk into the room, “mom, I can’t get to sleep.” Regulus said to me, “alright love, come here.” I said before he walked over to us and he got into bed with us and we just laid with him for a while and made sure he got to sleep before Regulus finally got to sleep later that night, “should we put him back in his room?” Sirius asked, “yeah, do you mind?” I said to him and he nodded, “yeah, I’ll carry him to his room.” he said before doing so and after doing so, the both of us had talked for a while before the both of us eventually went to bed for the night.

It was the next day and the day of Remus’s wedding and both Sirius and I were getting ready while the kids were doing the same thing and by the time we were done and ready to go, the both of us had gone to make sure that the kids were ready before the four of us made it to where the wedding was going to be taking place before I found dad sitting with Tonk’s parents before he noticed me as I walked up to him, “hello darling.” he said to me before I kissed his cheek, “hi dad.” I said to him, “Did you bring the kids?” he asked me, “yeah, they’re with Sirius.” I told him and he smiled a little, “this is my Daughter Kathleen” he said to them, “I’ve heard so much about you. I’m Andromeda, Nymphadora’s mother and Sirius’s cousin.” she said as she stood up and the both of us shook hands, “nice to meet you.” I said to her before shaking her husband's hand, “and I’m Edward but you can call me Ted.” he said to me, “Nice to meet you Ted.” I said to him before he had to go to Tonks after talking for a bit and before we knew it, the wedding had started and I smiled the entire time as I watched my brother get married. After the Ceremony was over, everyone was spending time with each other and I went over to Remus and hugged him, “I’m so happy for you.” I said to him, “thank you, I’m glad you and Sirius could make it with the kids.” he said to me and the both of us talked before Tonks walked over and the both of us hugged, “glad I finally have a sister.” I said to her before the kids rushed over and the both of them hugged Remus and Tonks and we continued to spend time with each other and I managed to get to know Tonk’s parents a little more and we all had a few laughs with each other the entire time and it managed to make me forget what’s been going on in the Wizarding World recently. After the wedding was over, Sirius, Myself and the kids made it home for the night and once we did, we all had gotten changed into something comfortable for the time being before we all had done their own thing for the rest of the night before we eventually found out from Moody that there was going to be a meeting about what we were going to do about Harry soon and eventually, both Sirius and I talked about it for a while before going to bed for the night.

It was another day, everyone who was apart of the Order had made it to our place and when everyone was there, we all started talking about what to do before Mundungus Fletcher had come up with an Idea of what we should do and in doing so, both Regulus and Seraphina offered themselves to take the Polyjuice Potion along with Fleur, Mundungus, Fred, George, Hermione and Ron and after a while had passed, everyone started to leave and once everyone was gone, the kids were doing their own thing together while Sirius and I managed to talk in private about everything, “do you really think we should let the kids do this? What if they get hurt or worse?” I questioned, “they’ll be fine, they’ll have us to protect them alright.” He said to me and I remained worried about it, “I know but I’m just worried that something will happen and that’s the last thing I want, especially for them.” I said to him, “I know darling, I know we just had to stick together for now alright.” he said to me and I nodded and I managed to calm down a little more before I checked on the kids to see how they are doing and spent the rest of the day with them. Later that night, I made sure that the kids had gone to bed for the night and after doing so, both Sirius and I had gone to our room for the night and after getting changed for the night, the both of continued to talk about everything for a while longer before the dropped the topic for the night and eventually went to bed for the night and after a while, I managed to get some sleep after I managed to calm my nerves a little.

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