Chapter Thirteen

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Kathleen’s P.O.V
The day of the First Task and everyone was making their way to where it was going to take place and once I got there, I sat down with the rest of the teachers and I sat there with my leg bouncing up and down hoping that Harry will be alright once he goes through this and once everyone was there, Dumbledore eventually spoke up to everyone, “your attention please, this is a great day for all of us. Each of the Three Tasks involve great considerable danger. Please remain in your seats at all times to minimise any danger that you may be exposed to. I’m sure we’ll all give the Champions the best of luck.” Dumbledore said to everyone before walking out of view, “how are you holding up Kathleen?” I heard Minerva ask me, “could be better. Just worried about Harry that’s all.” I said to her, “I don’t blame you.” she said before the Diggory boy walked out and soon faced his Dragon and the other two had done the same before Harry’s turn came around and I was soon on the edge of my seat as Harry tried to get to the egg and he managed to get on his broom to keep his distance from the Horntail before he managed to get to close to us to the point that the Dragon’s tail destroyed the roofing above us causing us to. After a while had passed, the entire stadium went silent as we were all looking around for Harry before we finally noticed him as he flew back as everyone started cheering for him before he finally managed to get the egg and once the Task was over, everyone began to leave the Stadium and made our way back to the Castle. After making it back to the Castle, I made sure that Harry was going to be alright before I had gone to my classroom and once I did, I noticed that Seraphina and Regulus had followed me and I sat down at my desk, “who are you writing to?” Regulus asked me, “I’m writing to your father. He wants to know what’s been going on.” I told him, “how is dad doing by the way?” Seraphina asked me, “he’s fine. He’s been with your Uncle Remus most of the time.” I told her as I wrote the letter, “are you writing to them now?” she asked me and I nodded as I finished it, “up, I just want to make sure they know what’s going on. They’re going to want to know whether or not I tell them.” I told her and I sent the letter with my Owl and I talked with them for a bit before I helped them with any homework they needed to get done.

Sirius’s P.O.V
It had been a few days and I’ve been pacing back in forth and Remus had been staying at the house with me as well for the time being and after a while, I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw an Owl fly over to me and drop something and I noticed that it was Kathleen’s Owl before I picked up the letter and began to read it one I opened it.

Dear Sirius, 

I’m sure by now you already know what’s going on with Harry and I want you to know that he managed to make it through the First Task. In the end, he procured a few bruises and Scratches but other than that, he’s fine. I also hope that you are doing well my love and I hope we get to see you soon. The kids miss you a lot and they ask me how you’re doing. I hope you write soon, I love you darling.

Love, Kathleen.

After reading the letter, I folded back up and let out a sigh knowing that Harry was alright and made it through the First Task and I continue to think as of how his name was put in the Goblet of Fire in the first place and after a while of thinking, I heard something at the door and I quickly got up and hid before the door opened and eventually revealed Remus before I let out a sigh as I came out hiding, “bloody hell Remus, maybe send a note ahead of time before you come by.” I said to him as I walked up to him, “sorry about that. Did you get anything from Kathleen at all?” he said to me, “yes, I actually did. She said Harry managed to make it through the First Task with a few bruises and scratches, other than that, he’s alright.” I told him, “That's good, Glad he’s alright. How is Kathleen and the kids?” he said to me, “they’re doing alright. I’m sure she’s just as worried about all of this then we are.” I told him, “I have no doubt about it.” he said to me and the both of us just talked about it for a while longer before we switched the topic before he had to leave and after he left the house, I just sat there thinking about everything that’s been going on as I just hoped that Harry and the kids were going to be alright and not get hurt to badly in the end.

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