Chapter Fifteen

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Kathleen’s P.O.V
It was another day and it was the day of the Second Task and everyone was making their way to where it was going to take place and once I got there with the other’s and eventually, Dumbldore had spoken up to everyone, “welcome to the Second Task, last night something was stolen from each of our Champions, A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie at the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each Champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough except for this, they will have but one hour to do so and one hour only. After that, they’re on their own. You may begin at the sound of the cannon.” Dumbledore said and before he could finish, the cannon had gone off causing the others to jump into the water and now we just had to wait for them to come back with what was taken from them the night before. After some time had passed, Fleur was the first to come back and she was unable to com back with what was taken from her and after some time, Cedric came back to the surface with Cho and not long after, and we just had to wait for Harry but when Ron and a girl came to the Surface, Harry wasn’t with them and I worried as I rushed to the others as I helped Ron and the girl and gave them towels before Fleur came up to the small girl and thanked Ron before walking away before I had gone to check on Harry after had managed to make it to the surface before Dumbledore had gotten everyone’s attention, “The winner is, Mr. Diggory who showed unique command of the Bubble Head Charm however seeing as Mr. Potter would have finished first, had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr. Weasley but the other’s as well we’ve agreed to award him, Second Place for outstanding Moral Fiber.” he said to everyone and had given Fleur and Krum third and fourth place before everyone started getting on the boats and Kathleen had gotten on the boat with Seraphina and Regulus and a few others as they made their way back to the school ground. By the time we made it back to the Castle, I went to my room and wrote to Sirius about everything and after I finished writing the letter, I sent it off with my Owl before letting out a sigh before I walked out of the room and went for a walk for a while as I wanted to clear my head before seeing Harry, Ron and Hermione going to Hagrid’s and I smiled a little that he had his friends along with Regulus and Seraphina helping him out with all of this and later on, I continued walking around before I had made it back inside for the rest of the night.

Later that night, Harry walked into my classroom along with Seraphina and Regulus, “is everything alright?” I asked them, “didn’t you hear, Barty Crouch was killed.” Regulus told me, “what? Are you sure?” I asked him, “yeah, Harry found him in the forest earlier when he was with Hagrid, Ron and Hermione.” Seraphina said to me, “bloody hell. Does anyone else know about this yet?” I asked them, “besides Ron, Hermione and Hagrid, we don’t know. Dumbledore might know about it by now.” Harry said to me, “yeah, Hagrid must have told him by now if he ends up finding out.” I said to them and after a moment of silence, I spoke up again, “are you guys alright though?” I asked Harry and he nodded and I sighed a little, “you guys should get back to the Common Room.” I said to them before we all got up and made our way to the Gryffindor Common Room and making sure they made it inside, I made my way back to my room only for Snape to walk up to me, “what is it that you want to complain about now?” I asked him, “I have reason to believe that Harry and his friends have been in my stores.” he said to me, “and why’s that?” I asked him, “Polyjuice Potion. I think they’ve been making it.” he said to me, “do you have anything better to do than blame Harry and everyone else for things they possibly didn’t do. Besides, I doubt they went in there to begin with. Why would they want to anyway?” I said to him and he let out a sigh, “I’ll see that I’m right.” He said to me, “I’m sure you are right about the Polyjuice, I just think you’re blaming the wrong people.” I said to him and walked away and eventually made it back to my room for the night and I began to think about what Snape said earlier about the Polyjuice Potion and began to wonder who could have possibly be wanting to make it in the first place and I thought about telling Sirius about it soon when he sends my Owl back to me and I’m just worried that there’s someone here that’s been planning on doing something and my feeling about this is still towards Moody and I wanted to talk to someone about it but at the same time if I did, I feel like they wouldn’t believe me about it so I decided to keep it to myself for the time being and later that Night, I finally felt tired enough to finally fall asleep that night.

Sirius’s P.O.V
It has been a couple of weeks since I last saw Kathleen and I’ve been spending most of my time inside the house keeping out of sight of everyone and at some point throughout the day, Kathleen’s Owl flew into the house and it dropped something on the table and I went to open it as the Owl landed on the table before I noticed that it was Kathleen’s handwriting as I began to read the letter she had sent me hoping that everything is alright.

Dear Sirius,

I hope you are doing well since we last saw each other and that everything with Remus is doing well also but the main reason why I am writing to you is because I wanted to tell you that Harry made it through the Second Task and had gotten Second Place as well. Other than that, I hope that everything is alright and that no one is causing you any trouble. I love you Sirius and I hope to see you again soon and be safe before then alright. The kids and I love you.

Love, Kathleen.

After reading the letter from Kathleen, I let out a sigh and had fed her Owl before putting the letter away for the time being and I let out a sigh to myself as I sat with her Owl and just thought to myself as I was glad Harry was doing alright and that he had gotten Second Place during the Second Task, I just hope that he makes it through the last task although it is very rare for someone to die during the TriWizard Tournament and after a while, I heard someone walk into the room and saw that it was Remus as I stood up and the both of us hugged each other and sat down, “so, how is everything? How is Kathleen and the kids and Harry?” He asked me, “they’re fine. They’re all fine. Harry got Second Place for the Second Task earlier but I’m still bothered about who could have put his name in the Goblet of Fire in the first place.” I said to him as I let out a sigh, “who knows but I’m sure they’ll figure something out about it.” he said to me, “I hope so. It’s bad enough as it is” I said to him and the both of us continued talking before he had to leave for the night and I decided to write to Kathleen soon and after a while had passed, I had gone to our room and sat on the bed before noticing something on the nightstand and I noticed that it was the photo Album and I picked it up and stared looking through it and I smiled to myself as I looked at the pictures of the kids when they were growing up wishing I was there when they were as I missed most of their birthdays and sometimes I hate myself for it, especially when I have to hide and not be around them as much as I want to because of the Ministry and I hoped that all of this will end soon rather than later and I began to imagine what it would be like when I do become a free man and spending most of my days with Kathleen and the kids and it put a smile on my face and after a while, I put the Photo Album away and spent the rest of the night alone before I locked all of the doors and windows before going to bed for the night as I thought of them as I fell asleep that night.

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