Chapter Seventeen

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Kathleen’s P.O.V
It was finally the day of the Third Task and I took a moment to myself about everything hoping that nothing bad happens in the end and after a while, I managed to leave the Castle with the other’s to where the Final Task was going to take place and I sat with the other teachers after making it there, everyone else eventually made it there as well and once they were all there the Champions and a few others walked out and eventually Dumbledore had gotten everyone’s attention as he spoke up loud enough for everyone to hear and stop what they were doing, “earlier today, Professor Moody placed the TriWizard Cup deep within the Maze, only he knows its exact as for Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter who tied for first place, they will be the first to enter the Maze followed by Mr. Krum and Miss. Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I’ve instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter that at one point a contestant should withdraw from the Task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants gather around.” He said before he had a word alone with them before he brought his attention to everyone else, “on the count of three. One-” Dumbledore said and before he could finish, the cannon went off causing the Task to Start and both Cedric and Harry walked into the Maze and I sat there worried about what might happen as I felt my leg bouncing up and down before I heard Minerva speak up, “are you alright dear?” she asked me, “yeah, just a little nervous that’s all.” I told her, “you don’t have to be, I’m sure everything is going to be fine.” she said to me and I sighed a little, “I hope so.” I said to her as Viktor and Fleur managed to walk into the Maze not long after Cedric and Harry had gone in. after a while had past, both Viktor and Fleur had come out of the Maze without the Trophy and we were now just waiting for Harry and Cedric and when they finally came back, everyone was cheering before I noticed something was off before hearing someone scream as it confirmed my suspicion and I rushed to see what was wrong before see that something had happened to Cedric, “what happened?” Snape asked, “Cedric Diggory, he’s dead.” I said to him as the Minister had said the same thing to Minerva and a few others before hearing Cedric’s father shout as he made his way through everyone before he saw Cedric for himself and we all just stood there as Mr. Diggory grief over the loss of his son.

After what had happened, I noticed Moody take Harry away and before I could follow them, I felt someone grab my arm and saw that it was Dumbledore, “not alone.” he said to me before I notice Minerva and Snape standing next to him, “then let’s go shall we.” I said to him before the four of us rushed to follow Moody and Harry before we eventually made it back to the Castle and made it to Moody’s office, “Expelliarmus.” Dumbledore said as the door flew off its hinges before we rushed into the room and I pulled Harry away before Dumbledore started questioning Moody, “do you know who I am?” he asked Moody, “Albus Dumbledore.” Moody said to him, “are you Alastor Moody? Are you?” Dumbledore asked, “no.” Moody said, “is he in this room? Is he in this room?” Dumbledore asked him but he didn’t say anything before they all looked at the chest and I moved Harry out of the way before they managed to open the chest and once it was opened, we all looked inside to see the real Moody was inside, “are you alright Alastor?” Dumbledore asked him, “I’m sorry Albus.” Moody said to him, “if that’s Moody then who’s-” Harry began to say before Snape spoke up, “Polyjuice Potion.” Snape said, “Now we know who's been stealing from your store, Severus.” Dumbledore said before Snape looked at Harry, “next time, make sure you’re right about what you’re thinking before you go blaming kids.” I said to him, “we’ll get you up in a minute.” Dumbledore said to Moody before we heard something happening to the man disguising himself as Moody as he soon turned back into whoever he was before all of this started before he tried attacking Harry before I pulled him back before pointing my wand at Barty, “Barty Crouch Jr.” Dumbledore said to him, “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” he said to us before showing his Dark Mark before Dumbledore revealed Harry’s arm before seeing that his arm had been cut, “you know what this means don’t you? He’s back. Lord Voldemort has returned.” he said to us, “I’m sorry sir, I couldn’t help it.” Harry said, “send an Owl to Azkaban. I’d think they’ll find they’re missing a prisoner.” Dumbledore said before Minerva walked out of the room, “I’ll be welcomed back like a hero.” Barty said to us, “Perhaps. Personally, I haven’t had much time for heroes.” Dumbledore said to him, “Don’t be surprised when he treats you anything but.” I said to him as we walked out of the room.

After the situation with Moody and leaving the room with Harry, we managed to bring him to the Hospital Wing, “do you mind staying here with Harry Kathleen?” Dumbledore asked me and I nodded, “yeah, that’s fine.” I said to him before he left the room, “how are you feeling?” I asked him as Madam Pomfrey helped him out a little, “I don’t know but he’s back.” he said to me, “I believe you.” I said to him and he looked at me, “really?” he asked and I nodded, yeah, of course I do. Sirius and the other’s will believe you too.” I said to him and he just nodded before I noticed Ron, Hermione, Seraphina and Regulus walk into the room and over to us, “are you alright Harry?” Hermione asked him and he just nodded, “what happened in there mate?” Ron asked him, “I don’t want to talk about it.” Harry told him, “That's fine, you can tell us when you’re ready.” Seraphina told him before they eventually walked out of the room and once Madam Pomfrey finished with Harry, she allowed him to leave and I walked out of the room with him and made our way to the Common Room, “are you going to be alright?” I asked him, “I think so. I just need time I suppose.” he said to me, “alright then, go and get cleaned up and changed alright.” I said to him and he nodded before he walked into the Common Room and I soon made my way to my room for the night. Later on, I made it to my room for the night and I thought about everything that had happened and hoped that Barty Crouch will go back to Azkaban sooner rather than later and after thinking for a while, I heard a knock on the door and I went to open the door and saw that it was Regulus and Seraphina and I let them into the room, “what are you guys doing out of the Common Room?” I asked them, “we wanted to be with you.” Regulus said to me and I sighed a little, “Harry didn’t say much when he walked into the Common Room, he just went straight to his dorm.” Seraphina said to me, “I don’t blame him, he’s been through a lot during the Tournament, especially during the last Task.” I said to them, “can we stay here tonight?” Regulus asked me, “yeah, that’s fine.” I said to them and I just sat with them as we talked before the both of them eventually fell asleep as we sat on the bed and I smiled a little before I kissed both of their heads before eventually falling asleep myself for the night.

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