Chapter Eleven

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Kathleen’s P.O.V
After leaving the Great Hall, I made sure that both Regulus and Seraphina had made it to the Common Room for the night and once they did, I went straight to my room and began to feel off about something and I decided to write to Remus about it hoping that he shows Sirius the letter as well and once I’ve finished writing the letter, I had sent it off before I had gotten changed and just thought about the feelings that I had and tried to make sense of them before she had eventually gone to sleep for the night hoping that Sirius was going to be alright while she’s gone. When the next day came around, it was the first day of classes and I had gotten everything organised and ready to go before people started walking into the room and I began the class. Once class was over, I sat at my desk and waited for for the next group of students to walk into the room and noticed that it was Serahina’s year and she was one of the student’s that walked into the room and once everyone had walks into the room and sat down, I began the class and as the day went on, classes had ended and I had just sat there thinking to myself about everything before I heard someone walk into the room and saw that it was Seraphina and Regulus as the both of them walked up to me and sat in front of the desk, “how was your day?” I asked them, “it was good.” Seraphina said, “it was alright.” Regulus said and I helped them with any homework they had from any of their classes before dinner rolled around and everyone was in the Great Hall eating and talking before Dinner was over, I had gone right to my room for the rest of the night and I thought about everything and I just hope that Sirius was doing alright along with Remus and hoped that Remus has enough Wolfsbane for the time being and after a while of thinking, I heard a knock on the door and I went to open it to see Regulus and Seraphina standing there before I let them in, “what is it?” I asked them after closing the door, “nothing, I just have a bad feeling that’s all.” Seraphina said to me, “yeah, she wouldn’t stop talking about it so we came to you.” Regulus said to me, “what’s the matter?” I asked her, “I don’t know it’s just all of this. I don’t think it will end well, that's all.” Seraphina said to me, “I think that Mad-Eye Professor is weird. I just think something is off about him.” Regulus said to me, “what makes you think so Reggie?” I asked him and he shrugged, “I don’t know. It’s just when he did the Unforgivable Curses earlier kind of set it off I guess.” he said, “he’s not supposed to teach the Curses to anyone. Not here anyways.” I said to them and I knew then that something was up but decided to wait it out to see what happens before I made sure that they had gone back to their Common Room for the night.

When the day finally came for the Champion’s to be chosen, everyone gathered into the Great Hall for when it happened and after a while, Dumbledore eventually spoke up to everyone as he managed to get their attention, “now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the Champion Selection.” Dumbledore said to everyone before dimming the lighting in the room before the flames in the Goblet turned Red before the first name had flown from it before Dumbledore caught it, “the Durmstrang Champion is, Viktor Krum.” he said and everyone cheered as he got up and soon walked to another room before the same thing happened before Dumbledore caught the name that was chosen, “the Champion for the Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour.” he said before she had done the same and walked to another room before the third and final name had been chosen, “the Hogwarts Champion, Cedric Diggory.” he said and Cedric stood up and soon followed Fleur to another room, “excellent. We now have our three Champions, but in the end, only one will go down in History. Only one will hoist this Chalice of Champions. This Vecel of Victory, the TriWizard Cup.” Dumbledore said before something happened to the Goblet as another name eventually came from it before Dumbledore caught it before reading it out, “Harry Potter.” he said and everyone just looked at Harry before Dumbledore spoke up again, “HARRY POTTER.” he shouted before Harry eventually walked up to Dumbledore before taking the paper and walked away and Dumbledore soon dismissed everyone while the rest of us rushed to follow Dumbledore to where the Champions were while they all argued with each other about what had happened, “Harry. Harry did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?” Dumbledore asked him, “no sir.” Harry said to him, “did you ask one of the older students to do it for you?” Dumbledore asked him, “no sir.” Harry said, “you’re absolutely sure?” Dumbledore questioned, “yes sir.” Harry said, “Well of course he is lying.” Madam Maxine said, “the hell he is. The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful Magical object. Only an exceptionally powerful Cunfundus Charm could have hoodwinked it. Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year.” Moody said, “you seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mar-Eye.” Igor mentioned, “it was once my job to think as Dark Wizards do Karkaroff, perhaps you remember.” Moody said to him, “that doesn’t help Alastor.” Dumbledore said before walking up to Barty, “we leave this to your Barty.” Dumbledore said to him, “the rules are absolute. The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding Magical Contract. Mr. Potter has no choice, he is, as of tonight, a TriWizard Champion.” Barty said before they all looked at Harry before Dumbledore let them leave and I took Harry over to the side, “do you know who could have done this?” he asked me, “I’m not sure but Sirius is going to want to know about this so I’ll be writing to him about it tonight and he’ll want to talk to you alright.” I said to him and he nodded, “everything will be alright, ok.” I said to him, “ok.” he said, “now go straight to the Common Room alright.” I said to him and he soon walked away and I sighed before Minerva walked up to me, “Dumbledore wants to have a conversation about this in his office.” she said to me and I followed her to Dumbledore’s office.

By the time we made it there, Moody and Severus were already there before Minerva eventually spoke up, “this can’t go on Albus. First the Dark Mark, now this.” Minerva said to him, “what do you suggest we do Minerva?” Dumbledore asked her, “don’t let it happen.” I said to him, “she’s right, we put an end to it. Don’t let Potter compete.” she told him, “you heard Barty, the rules are clear.” Dumbledore said to us, “who cares what Barty said.” I said to him, “the devil with Barty and his rules. And since when did you accommodate the Ministry?” Minerva said to him, “Headmaster, I find it difficult to believe this mere coincidence. However, if we are to truly discover the meaning of these events, perhaps we should, for the time being, let them unfold.” Severus said to him, “You can’t be serious.” I said to him, “what, do nothing? Offer him up as bait? Potter is a boy, not a piece of meat.” Minerva said to them, “I agree with Severus. Alastor, keep an eye on Harry with Kathleen will you?” Dumbledore said, “I can do that.” Moody said to him, “don’t let him know though, he must be anxious enough as it is. Knowing what lies ahead. Then again, we all are.” Dumbledore said, “It’s more than him being anxious, he’s probably bloody scared to death from this.” I said to them before I eventually walked out of the room and before I went back to mine, I bumped into Seraphina, “how is Harry doing?” I asked her, “he seems rather upset about it. Everyone thinks he managed to put his name in the Goblet of Fire.” she said to me, “but he didn’t. Someone did but we don’t know who yet.” I told her, “Is dad going to know about this?” she asked me, “yeah he is going to know about this. I’m going to write to him about it, that is if Harry hadn’t beaten me to it already.” I told her and after talking about it for a while, I made sure that she had gone to the Gryffindor Common for the rest of the night before I made it back to my room for the night and wrote to Sirius about what happened before sending it off and for most of the night, I just sat there thinking about what had just happened and at this point, I didn’t know what to do and I’m sure that I’m not the only one either and began to think about what Dumbledore and Snape said earlier as well knowing that they had a point about what they said and I began to agree with them but at the same time, I’m still standing by what I said and began to think about what I could do to help him and after a while of thinking, I began to feel tired and I soon got ready for bed and after a while, I eventually fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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