Chapter Thirty: Half Blood Prince

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Kathleen’s P.O.V
It was another day and Summer was almost over and the kids wanted to go to Fred and George’s new shop in Diagon Alley and at first I was hesitant considering what’s been going on recently with having to go considering what’s been going on recently before I gave in and lt decided to take them to Diagon Alley and Sirius planned on coming with us as well and when the day came around, we finally left after getting ready and by the time we had gotten there and walked into the shop, the entire place was packed, “bloody hell, how are the twins doing it?” Sirius asked, “I don’t know. But I suppose considering what’s going on, people these days could use a laugh here and there.” I said to him as the kids walked around the store looking at the stuff that were on the shelves, “I think the kids are liking it so far.” Sirius said to me, “yeah, they are. Which is a good thing.” I said to him and smiled a little as I watched them the entire time, “you know, everything is going to be fine. I’m sure this will all be over soon.” he said to me and I sighed a little, “can we talk about this at home. I don’t want to talk about it here.” I said to him and he nodded, “good point, why don’t we get something for the kids.” He said and I smiled a little as the both of us had gotten a few things for them before we went over to them and eventually walked out of the store for a while and walked around before we noticed Ollivander’s, “I hope he’s going to be alright.” I said to Sirius, “yeah, he was a good man. I heard they kidnapped him when this happened.” Sirius said, “is that really what happened to Ollivander?” Seraphina asked, “unfortunately.” I said to her, “let’s get going shall we.” Sirius said to us and we made sure we had everything we needed before we Apparated back home with Harry after he said goodbye to the others and by the time we had gotten inside, Harry spoke up, “Sirius, Kathleen can  talk to you about something?” he asked us, “yeah, sure.” Sirius said, “why don’t you two go and put your stuff away.” I said to them before they had done so, “what is it?” Sirius asked him, “myself along with Ron and Hermione saw something rather odd going on with Malfoy and his mother. They ended up at Borgin and Burkes earlier with a few others and they were looking at something. It looked like some kind of Cabinet.” he said to us and I furrowed my brows a little, “well, if they were browsing for furniture, they wouldn’t need others to help them with it unless they worked there.” I said to him, “I suppose that is a little odd.” Sirius said to us, “I have a feeling that Malfoy might have become a Death Eater.” Harry said, “well that's a rather large accusation. Even if he is, I doubt Voldemort would have given him much of a choice unless he willingly became one and I’m not saying this in his defence it’s just what I think.” I told him, “she has a point, Harry, unless he became one willinging, Voldemort wouldn’t have given him much of a choice in the matter.” Sirius said to him, “I suppose you have a point.” He said and I had a bad feeling that he wasn't going to let it go considering what he had found out earlier today and throughout the entire day, it was all that I could think about.

Later that night, the kids and Harry had gone to bed for the night and both Sirius and I were in our room and I couldn’t get what Harry said out of my head before I was brought out of my thought’s when I heard Sirius speak up as he sat down next to me, “you’re worried.” he said to me, “yeah and I know it’s not going to go away until this is over. I was just thinking about what Harry said earlier and I’m getting a feeling that he’s not going to let what he told us go.” I told him, “he’s a kid there’s only so much we can predict about stuff like this.” he said to me, “still, I don’t want him doing something he’ll end up regretting and getting in trouble for. We both know how he and Malfoy are to each other.” I said to him and he sighed a little, “I know and I agree with what you’re saying but for right now, let’s just keep an eye on him for now alright.” he said to me and I nodded, “alright.” I said and sighed a little before I eventually got changed for the night and Sirius had done the same before the both of us had eventually gone to bed for the night after talking for a while longer about everything. It was another day and I made sure that Harry and the kids made sure that they had everything they needed before Sirius dropped them off at the train while I had gotten to the school ahead of time and by the time I had gotten there, I rushed to my room and got my things sorted before making my way to the Great Hall along with the rest of the staff and sat down next to Minerva before she had eventually went to get the First Years after the other’s had walked in and sat with their houses and once Minerva brought the First Years into the room, the Sorting Ceremony had started before everyone had been sorted and the feast had started. After a while had passed, everyone was eating and talking with each other before Dumbledore walked up to the front before speaking up to everyone, “very best of evenings to you all. First off, let me introduce the newest member of our saff, Horace Sughorn.” Dumbldore said as he introduced Horace to everyone before he continued, “Professor Slughorn, I’m happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master. Meanwhile, the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape. Now as you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight and you have the right to know why. Once there was a young man who, like you, sat in this very Hall, walked this Castle’s corridor’s, and stepped under its roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name, Tom Riddle. Today of course he’s known all over the world by another name which is why as I stand looking out upon you all tonight, I’m reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour, this very minute perhaps Dark Forces attempt to penetrate this Castle’s walls but in the end, their greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about. Now off to bed, pip pip.” Dumbledore said and everyone started getting up and walked out of the Great Hall.

Later that night, everyone had left the Great Hall and I was making my way to my room before I heard someone calling my name and I looked to see that it was Horace, “ah, we never got to introduce ourselves properly.” he said to me, “I presume you already know my name as I know your’s.” he said to me, “yes and it’s nice to meet you Professor.” I said to him, “there’s no need for formalities, you can call me Horace if you’d like although It’s nice to meet you as well.” he said to me as we walked together, “if you don’t mind me asking, how is Sirius? I’ve taught him and his brother separately when they attended of course and I’ve also recently found out about his hearing at the Ministry a while back” he said to me, “he’s doing well. And yes, he managed to be cleared of his charges.” I told him, “that’s good to hear. I’m glad that was able to happen.” he said to me and I smiled a little and I talked with him for a little longer before the both of us had gone to our rooms for the rest of the night and once I made it to mine, I just sat on the bed for a while and thought to myself about everything as I just hoped that everything ends sooner before I started thinking about what Harry told Sirius and myself and I wanted to look into it and see if what he was saying about Draco was true and that he’s not just targeting him because of their feud that they have between each other and after a while of thinking, I had gotten ready for bed that night and after doing so, I managed to keep my mind off of everything for the rest of the night and I decided to read before finally going to bed for the night. I had woken up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and I took a minute to myself before I had gotten out of bed and just thought about the dream that I had and after a while had passed, I managed to get something to drink before I sat by the window as I couldn’t fall back to sleep and I hated the fact the dream was about Sirius and the kids and that it didn’t turn out the way I’d hoped it would but I just hoped it would remain a dream and nothing more than that and after a while of thinking to myself for a while, I finally felt tired and I finally managed to get back to sleep later that night.

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