New Job

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Hey guys! First chapie so if its not good don't blame me. I have little experience on writing. Lets just get this over with.
(Y/n) POV
I was sitting on the couch,, holding a newspaper sighing. I'll never find a job.

I live with my best friend, Amy, in a small house after we graduated college and I have to start helping her pay the rent and bills by finding a job.

"You could be a chef!" She exclaimed. Amy was helping me find a job. "You know I suck at cooking." I reminded her. "Oh ya." she said. I thought I'd never find a job when something caught my eye.

"Freddy's Fazbears Pizza is looking for a night guard. I could get the job."I told her. She gave me a look that said 'are you insane!'

"You wanna work that haunted and dangerous place?!" She cried. I rolled my eyes. "You believe that stuff? Come one." I asked. "Its true! Remember what the news said about that place? Remember the murders?! The 1987 incident!" She panicked.

"Oh cone on you and I used to love the place when we we're little." I reminded her. "Well that was before it got all creepy!" She said. I rolled my eyes.

"I can take care of myself. Don't worry." I assured her as I dialed the number of the pizzeria. "No!" She screamed as she tried to grab the phone from my hand.

I pushed her of me as someone answered the phone. "Hello?" Someone said. "Umm... Hello. I'm here to apply for the night shift. If its still available I mean." I said rapidly, ignoring the screams of protest from Amy.

I jump back in surprise when I heard a loud noise at the end of the line. "Hello? Sir are you alright?" I asked, panicked. Amy gasped. "Maybe he got murdered!" I gave her a 'really?' look.

"Oh umm... Very sorry I just drop the phone thats all. And you've got the job." He said. I smiled. "Really?" I asked. "Yep. Now you can start tonight. Come here at 11:45 so you can get settled in." He told me.

"Thank you sir!" I said happily. I heard a faint chuckle before we hung up.

I got a new job.
So what do you think of the first chapter? I'm sorry if it sucks. Well see ya later!

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