It is now later on in the evening, and Kara and Lori are currently cuddled on the couch, just watching some random stuff on TV. It is getting a bit late now, and is getting very very close to Lori's bedtime, so Kara is worried that Lena might not actually make it in time before Lori falls asleep, or she has to put her to bed. Then, if Lena doesn't, Kara worries that either, Lori will simply refuse to go to bed completely, until she actually gets to see Lena, which could obviously cause a problem. Or alternatively, if Lori does fall asleep herself, before seeing Lena, she might wake up a few moments later, and then be all grumpy, and ask where Lena is. Kara just really hopes that Lena doesn't break her promise, and actually does make it on time, within these next few minutes, for Lori's sake.
Thankfully, a few minutes after Kara has these thoughts, she soon hears the familiar sound of Lena's heartbeat getting out of a car in front of her apartment, and then making it's way inside, and closer towards her apartment front door.
"Lori, Lena is here." Kara says, in a soft voice.
"Wha... what?" Lori asks, tiredly, and then looks around for Lena.Kara chuckles.
"I mean, I can hear Lena's heartbeat, and she is literally just about to knock on our front door." Kara explains.
After Kara says this, without saying another word, Lori tiredly gets up from the couch, and walks over to the front door, with Kara just deciding to watch to see what Lori does. Then, once Lori arrives at the front door, she only has to wait about 5 seconds, before she hears the sound of Lena knocking, with the 7-year-old then opening the door for Lena.
"Lena!" Lori says, excitedly, and takes Lena in for a hug right away.
"Oh, hello, Lori." Lena says, in a bit of a surprised voice, clearly not expecting Lori to be the one opening the door a few seconds after she knocked. In fact, Lena has actually been worried that she might have completely missed Lori's bedtime.This almost happened simply because the time just got away from Lena, as one of the last things she actually had to do today, physically at L-Corp, is go into her L-Corp labs, and make sure some equipment is still working, after a few employees have had issues with it. Then, due to Lena being in the labs, she lost track of time because there are no windows or anything, and not any clocks on the walls either. So, Lena just got completely engrossed in testing the equipment to try and find out any flaws with it.
"Hey, Lee." Kara smiles, now getting up and walking over to Lena and Lori, "Let me take your bag."
"Thank you." Lena says.
Kara takes Lena's handbag, which contains all of the usual stuff Lena's handbag contains, plus her laptop, seeing as the brunette still needs to do some more work this evening, before she goes to bed.
"I missed you, Lena." Lori says.
"I know you did, darling." Lena replies, as she crouches down, and takes Lori in for a proper hug, "But I'm here now. I'm sorry I had to work late. But I had a lot to do, and a real busy day. Thankfully I have made it just in time for your bed time though."
"Noooo.... I don't want to go to bed. I want to stay up with you." Lori moans.
"Lori, you have school tomorrow. You do really need to go to bed now." Kara says.
"I don't want to!" Lori moans."I'll tell you what, darling." Lena begins, "How about I help you get ready for bed and everything. I'll help you brush your teeth, and change into your pyjamas and get you tucked under the covers. Then, mommy can say goodnight to you, and after that, for a little while, I will lay next to you on your bed, and spend a bit of time with you, before you go to sleep. How does that sound?"

A Girl Called Lori
FanfictionLex has been defeated, and Kara and Lena are rebuilding their friendship, with Kara having realised she is totally and completely in love with her best friend. Kara plans to confess her feelings to Lena, but her plans are foiled as soon as she finds...