Chapter 39 - Lori Finds Out

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"Lori!" Kara says, with a worried look on her face, realising that the 7-year-old just overheard everything.

"Is it true mommy?" Lori asks, with tears in her eyes, "Is someone going to take me away?"

"I..... I....." Kara stammers, completely freezing right now, and not sure what to say.

Lori, for her part, after not getting an answer from Kara, breaks out into big tears, and then goes running off in the direction of her bedroom. It truly breaks Kara's heart to see that.

"I'm sorry, Kara." Alex says, "I didn't mean to come here and have Lori overhear that."

"I know...." Kara says, now panicking a bit.

"You need to go talk to her, and tell her what is going on." Alex says.

"But.... I can't..... I...... I don't want to upset her even more than she already is, and have her worry about being taken away from me." Kara says.

"If you don't go talk to her, it will just be even worse, as she overheard what we were talking about, and she now must be so worried that she is going to be forced out of the home she has grown to absolutely love. Then she might also be thinking that you don't want her or something. You can't have her thinking that. You have to go talk to her, even if you didn't want to tell Lori about this originally. That is all out of the bag at this point. You need to tell her everything that is going on." Alex says.

"Ye.... Yeah.... you're right." Kara says.

"Go on." Alex says, "You go and talk with Lori, and Esme and I will wait out here for a little while. In about 10 minutes, if you don't come out of Lori's room again, I'll assume you don't need us here anymore, and we'll head off home."

"Okay. Thank you, Alex." Kara says, with a nod of her head, as she begins walking towards the hallway, which leads to the bedrooms.

"Good luck." Alex says.

Kara then walks towards Lori's room, and a few moments later, she knocks on Lori's bedroom door and enters.

Once Kara is inside Lori's bedroom, her heart hurts again, because she sees that Lori is curled up in a ball lying on her bed, crying her eyes out.

"Oh, Lori." Kara says, as her heart breaks for her daughter.

Kara quickly moves over towards Lori, and sits on the bed right next to her, and begins to stroke the 7-year-old's side.

"Lori.... it's okay...." Kara says, as she tries to sooth her daughter.

"No!" Lori sobs, "You are giving me away! You are my mommy, and you are giving me away!"

Kara's eyes widen upon hearing Lori say that. Kara didn't think that Lori would even think that she would ever give her away, so it breaks her heart, again, to think that is the thought Lori has landed on.

"No." Kara quickly says, "That is not what is happening at all. I promise you. I don't want you to leave, and I certainly don't want to give you away, or give you up."

"Then.... then what is happening?" Lori asks, as she turns to look at Kara.

Kara looks at Lori, in her eyes, for a few moments, before sighing.

"I'll tell you everything." Kara says.

Kara then moves so she's half laying down on the bed next to Lori, with the 7-year-old lying next to Kara, pressing her body weight up against her.

"Okay. So firstly, before I tell you everything, I want you to know that I love you very much. And I can't stress how much I mean when I say I do not want to give you away. This is not something that I want to happen or anything. It is a situation that is occurring because of some legal things, that I will explain to you. However, I also want to let you know, that the reason I haven't mentioned this to you before, isn't because I'm doing all this in secret away from you, and not telling you for my own selfish reasons. I haven't told you about this, because I wanted to protect you. I didn't want you to know that all this was going on, and then having you worry about it, and worry about what might happen." Kara explains,

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