Chapter 34 - Digging Dirt

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It is now a few days later, and Kara, Lena, Lori, Alex, Kelly and Esme have all returned back to National City, after their visit to Midvale. Ever since Kara found out the news that Lori has an uncle who is trying to claim custody of her, the blonde has been giving Lori so much love and affection. This has included Kara giving Lori a bunch of hugs and kisses, while also letting the young girl sleep in the same bed as her the night they got back home to National City. This is just all because Kara is absolutely terrified that she is going to lose Lori, and not be able to do this with her in the future, even though Lena has promised her that she will make sure that doesn't happen.

Seeing as it is the period between Christmas and News Years at the moment, Kara, nor Lena, don't have any work to attend to, as both L-Corp and CatCo are on Christmas breaks until the New Year. This means, for Kara, she has just been spending the last day and a bit, since they got back to National City, being at home with Lori, spending as much time as possible with the 7-year-old, keeping her entertained and everything. Then, on Lena's side of things, despite the CEO very much wanting to spend more time with Kara and Lori, she has decided to give Kara some space for a little while, just so that the blonde can cherish her time with Lori, without her getting in the way. But also, Lena has been using this time to kind of keep her mind occupied, as she is just as emotionally terrified that Lori is going to be taken away from them as Kara is. Lena just has been internalising all of it, as she knows that she has to be strong for Kara right now. So, this has meant that Lena has been spending the last day and a bit, doing some L-Corp work, which she honestly doesn't really need to do, while also doing her own research into this Mr or Dr Stephen Andrews.

Of course, Lena is no private eye or anything, so her research is not that thorough. But from what she has been able to learn from her google searches, she has found out that Dr Andrews is in fact a paediatrician. Although, while he does specialise in child's medicine, he also has his own private practice, which he goes into 1 day a week, to attend to adult patients, and from what Lena has been able to see, from her limited research, most of these patients are recognisable names. In fact, Lena can also see, from some of the images on Dr Andrews paediatrician practice, that some of the kids he sees are children of famous people, such as a congresswoman, a famous actor, and of course the New Your deputy attorney general. All in all, this has made Lena even more uncomfortable about this whole process, as from this first look, she hasn't been able to find anything negative on Dr Andrews, which could help Kara in her case to keep Lori.

Today though, Lena is meeting her lawyer, Mark, at L-Corp, to discuss some things that he and his team have found so far. Lena and her lawyers are not due to meet with Kara until tomorrow, but Lena wants a rundown of everything they have found beforehand, so she can be prepared for whatever comes their way. Lena is already well aware, both from what she knows, and her own research, that even in the cases where the child clearly wants to stay with the non-blood relative, the judges have looked more favourably towards the blood relation. So, Lena knows that with this case they are in for an uphill battle.

Currently, Lena is heading into L-Corp, where she will be meeting her lawyer to have the meeting with them. Lena knows that this particular meeting does have a bit of an unethical side of things to it, because she knows that the main thing her lawyer will discuss with her today, is any dirt that they may have found on Dr Stephen Andrews. Lena knows that Kara did say that she didn't want Lena to use this tactic or anything, but Lena has decided that she'll have to seek forgiveness rather than permission in this case. Then if Kara does not forgive her, at the very least she will know that she did absolutely everything to make sure Lori stays in her actual real home, with her real mom, Kara. Otherwise, if Lori did get taken away, and Lena didn't do this, she may not be able to live with herself. It's a risk Lena is more than willing to make.

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