Breaking the Curse (Waziria, aka Kurse)

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She cried, feeling helpless as she just looked on to the harm she caused. She didn't want to, the magical armor around her was controlling her movements. The armor, controlled by Malekth, only caused chaos and destruction and she did not want to be a part of it. She wanted to be killed, to escape from this prison that withheld her every movement.

It ripped and killed, she felt the weight of the blood in her hands. It felt heavy, the voices in her head trying to cause her even more pain. She could hear the screams of despair, the curse upon her was undoubtedly the worst thing in existence. She wouldn't wish this upon anyone, probably only Malekith because of his nature. And even then, she doubted that Malekith would even be against it since it would give him even more reason to cause destruction.

But she had begun to gather her movements once again, just like when she stopped her arms movement of punching the angel in her grasp. She didn't want to cause any more harm. She needed someone to restrain her or to kill her. She was beyond being saved by anyone. She had failed Thor and the League of the Realms, she was far beyond forgiveness. In her eyes, all she deserved was death after everything was said and done. It would be the way that she would be able to redeem herself.

"Kill me" She managed to say, even when she was being controlled by the armor. Her voice got out, heard by the angel in front of her. But she hardly heard anything back. The pain was unforgiving, attacking her relentlessly from every direction. She was already numb to the pain caused by the voices, only the tears that fell from her eyes were any indication that she was in pain. But no one knew, a pain she felt alone because the helmet covered her face completely.

But then pain unlike ever she had felt since being forcefully bonded to the magical armor, which was called Kurse. It was a fitting name since she felt as if she was living through an unending curse. The pain causes her to freeze in a matter of seconds, her body feeling even more numb. She felt the static all across her, her hand twitching slightly thanks to it. She wanted to scream and shout, to let every bit of pain out of her body. But she deserved this pain, it was the hand that was drawn. It was her fate and she knew that her time was coming to an end.

She welcomed the pain, roaring in agony as the pain increased ever so slightly as time passed. She felt as if her lungs were close to giving out, her heart beating at a very fast pace thanks to it. She was beginning to smile a bit, finally glad that her end was coming. It meant the end of a curse, the end of the suffering that she had caused to the world. But the pain suddenly went away, her eyes opening wide as she felt the weight of her shoulders dissipate into nothingness. She could see clearly now, her eyes half closed thanks to the sudden light that made contact with her eyes. And it was then that she saw what was of her fate, of the hand that she had before this moment arrived.

"I'm free..." She muttered, her eyes still crying slightly. But instead of being tears of pain, these were tears of happiness. She was finally out of Malekith's control, the curse she had upon herself just crumbling to dust right before her eyes. She tried to take a step forward, but her knee stumbled on nothing, making her almost fall to the ground. A pair of arms grabbed her, saving her from the humiliation that it would be falling to the ground thanks to the weakness in her knees. She looked up, her eyes focusing on the red and blue wearing man beside her. She immediately recognized him, a hero from Midgard that Thor would often talk about. "T-Thank you, Spider-Man"

"My pleasure. But do you need to sit down or anything?" She really wanted to say yes, her knees were trembling slightly. But she would get her chance to rest when everything was done. She needed to redeem herself, to make things right. And the only way that she knew how was to fight alongside the League of Realms. Though she could say for certain that watching him acting all worried for her made her slightly blush.

"No..." She denied, shaking her head while making a small smile on her face. She honestly needed the rest, but there was no time to do nothing. It was time to retaliate, to bring back the fight and push towards their victory. She glanced at him, her eyes going up and down as she could see the implements the arachnid hero did to his normal outfit. She definitely could see why Thor would compliment the hero as much as he did. "The League of Realm is still out there and they need our help"

"Well then, let's finish up this quickly so you can rest" She nodded feeling grateful that even through this war they were in at this moment, the hero was able to think of those around him. She felt her cheeks burn slightly, her cheeks turning a slight purple thanks to her blue skin. She grabbed her wooden elbow with her hand, caressing it softly as she couldn't help but smile at him. She felt the need to get closer to him, even if she knew that he was not the one to release her from her curse. But he was the one she saw first, the man that went out of her way to probably convince the League of Realms in trying to save her, and the man who caught her before she would fall face first to the ground. She focused her sight to the outside, rushing toward the battle with Spider-Man by her side. It would be her redemption road, and maybe she will be able to earn something else that was not death in her life. Maybe, and just maybe, she will be able to claim love for the first time in her life.

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