Lake Side Nights

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"Couldn't sleep?" Sebastian asks as I walk up the path to the lake. He is sitting down at the edge, a cigarette between his fingers.

"No, I just wanted some fresh air and a break. What about you?"

"I just finished work. I'm going to bed soon." He replied, looking out at the moon reflecting on the lake. Fireflies surround us, illuminating the area.

"What do you do for work?"

"Freelance programming." He said, very short.

"That, sounds fun." Honestly, I barely know what that is.

"It has its moments. I like it though. I get to sit in my room and work instead of going out and dealing with others."

"Completely understandable. I don't think I'm very social other." Though if I see somebody, I'll most likely say hello or something but it just depends on what I'm doing I guess.

"It's just easier not to bother. I love working in my own bubble. You work around the town right? I see you passing when I'm out here sometimes."

"Yeah. Mining, picking up thing to sell, tending to my farm, fishing, whatever I could get my hands on. I like coming out here mid day to fish. It's not very near town so it's quiet and peaceful. I disturbed." I rambled.

He's sat there, just listening, smoking away.

"Sounds like you're very busy. Do you ever time for a break?"

"Sometimes. I come here on Fridays. End of the week, most people are at the saloon so I get completely silence. It gets a little too silent though sometimes." I replied. It does get lonely but sometimes that's just what I need, other times, not so much.

"It's just you on the farm right?" He asks, turning his body completely to face me more.

"Yup. Just me, and the chickens." I chuckled a bit.

"Right." He laughs a little. "I'm here most nights after work if you want to stop by. I wouldn't mind the company."

"I'll have to think about taking you up on that then."

I peered down at his lit cigarette, it goes out a few seconds later.

Sebastian follows my gaze.

"Looks like it's time for bed." He says.

"I guess so. Sleep well."

"You too. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow." He walks back down the path to his house. I'm left by the moon lit lake, listening to the crickets and fireflies.

Prompt ideas are greatly appreciated :)

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