I'll Throw You In With The Pigs

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"What are you up to?"

Sebastian usually goes off for hours at a time late at night and completely by himself. I don't know where he goes or what he does but it's a little worrying. Especially with the hostile things out there, I don't even know what they are. All I know is that they are slimey and they'll attack whatever comes near them. Sebastian doesn't usually bring anything with him on these walks except a pack of smokes but I don't quite think he can hot-box them so he's pretty defenseless, not to be rude by any means of course.

"Just going on a walk like usual, did you want me to pick you up something?"

Sebastian and I haven't been friends very long. Well, we've lived in the same town for years and years. I think I was eighteen when I moved here, almost ten years ago. We've never been super close though, usually I'd hang out with Emily but she chose the bar and I chose my farm so there isn't too much time to hang around each other.

Sebastian used to take his walks around my farm, ever since I moved. He stopped once he learned that somebody lives here, he didn't have to though, I wish he didn't. It's so hard to find him out and about during the day which is why we've never properly met. I caught him once not too long ago taking a walk on the farm so I took that as a chance to get to know him.

"Actually, do you mind if I come with?" He's a little taken aback.

"Really? You want to?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"You're always on your feet, don't you want to relax?" no way, i'm bouncing with energy.

"No relaxation needed! I can relax when i'm dead!"

"Then you've got years upon years of zero relaxation. Come on." he opens the door for me and closes it behind him once we're both outside.

There's a small breeze, it's about eight at night, middle of summer. Beautiful night. Fireflies light our surroundings, the moon shining on the pond near his house. Just gorgeous.

The walk is almost dead silent for the most part. I can't help but look up every once in a while, catch him taking in his surroundings. He starts fiddling with his lighter in his pocket.

"You wanna light one or just keep messing with your pocket?" I let out a small laugh.

"Oh, I didn't think you'd really be okay with that, second hand smoke and the smell, you know?"

Considerate. "I work on a farm, the smell of a smoke isn't anywhere as bad as what I work with everyday. Go ahead."

He practically throws his pack out of his pocket and lights one almost as fast as I can blink.

We start heading towards my farm. We started hanging out almost everyday once the animals go to sleep. I hang out here while he takes his walks, read his comics. He's got a lot; Deadpool, Iron Man, Spider-Man. Big Marvel nerd if you ask me, but so am I.

"Oh wow, geez that's so much worse than I remember." He's talking about the smell.

"It's the middle of summer, the absolute worst for farm animal smells. I clean up as much as possible but there's not that much I can do." I laughed out a bit.

"Thankfully you're usually at my place after work, this cannot be good for the brain."

"Neither is this you know." I grab his smoke and take a quick puff. I don't smoke, not like him at least but a puff here and there won't kill me, hopefully.

"Clearly the fumes are getting to you." He laughs and takes the smoke back, taking a puff of his own.

"Is that why you've stopped taking walks around here? The smells gonna rot your brain?"

"Oh yes, one hundred percent! No no, I used to take walks over here since I was a kid. I think I was eighteen or nineteen when I noticed the weeds getting cleaned up. I didn't think a lot of it, maybe Lewis finally decided to clean up the place; but then I noticed a light on in the house, not Lewis."

"Definitely not Lewis haha, you didn't have to stop though, I didn't mind. Though I guess that was never brought up."

"Oh well, now I know, but I'm not too sure I want to anymore, at least with all this..." he puts his hands around his throat and falls to the floor.

"Very funny." It was, i'm practically dying over here. I hold out my hand and yank him back up, maybe a little too hard because he is inches from my face.

"Working over here has really been a work out huh?" he not moving an inch, besides putting his smoke back on his lips. What on Earth do I do?

"I guess so. Years of this is finally paying off." I grab his smoke and take another puff before backing away so I don't blow the directly into his face. His face is so red, well, at least as much as I can actually see.

"Maybe one of these days you can actually pick me up no problem."

"Yeah? I'll throw you in with the pigs."

So of course I announce "I'm coming back!" then do so 2 months later. I didn't realize that much time passed, wow. And right before I start my second college term :D

THIS IS A 2 PART! Yes, they're called "one-shots" there will be a part 2 to this, deal with it :)

So sorry about this one kind of dragging on, I think? I really need to get back into it and I know this one was a lot lengthier than they usually are and full honesty, I had no end point with this one. Just a nice little walk and writing with different backstories too.

Dear me I hope this is consistent. And I really need to work on A Hitmans Desolate Solitude. I've had a draft "in the works" for months.

Sebastian Fluff One Shots ~||~ Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now