Frogs and the Future

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"Whatcha got there?" I asked approaching Sebastian. He was squatting on the ground, picking something up.



"Yes." He stood up and turned around to reveal a little frog.

"Oh I see. Ribby. Are you keeping him?" I asked.

"No, I'm not. I just like the frogs. One day I want some but right now, I think it's best if I just leave them to Mother Nature." He said while putting Ribby near the mountain side lake.

We walked over to a different area of the lake to sit down and continue our conversation. It's around beginning evening so there a nice warm, golden glow hitting the water and it's still warm, but not hot. It's stunning.

"So you like frogs? What sparked that?" Curiosity got the best of me.

"I've lived up here so long and I like coming out here when it rains, that's when they're mostly outside. Sometimes I get lucky though and see them near the water."

"That's.. adorable. Maybe one day we could have some little frogs." I suggested. I wouldn't mind any. And they seem to make him happy. That's what's really keeping me going nowadays.

"We?" Sebastian questioned.

"Why not? Unless you don't want to. I just think it'd be a nice idea."

"No no, I'd like that. We could have little frogs." He smiled and looked towards the lake.

"What do you have planned for you future?" Sebastian popped.

"That's very random. Why do you ask?"

"We'll we're already talking about something related to the future. What're your plans?" He explained.

"As far as I'm aware, this is pretty much it. I do want to fully settle down though. Start a family, expand the farm and keep that going. At least long enough so my kids can inherit it if they so please."

"You want kids?" He questioned. He's shifting his body so he's completely facing me. I mirror his movement.

"Two, eventually. Not anytime soon. Maybe in the next five years. Gotta get married first."


"Of course. You think I want to stay on that big farm by myself? I'd love to wake up next to somebody every morning. Go on walks, dates, what not."

"Would you want to marry somebody from Pelican?"

"Well I don't plan on really leaving for anything. I'm happy here so yes."

"You've got your eye on somebody or not yet?" He's asking like he's trying to fish out a particular answer.

"Hmm. I'm not sure. I'll have to get back to you on that." I lean over and kiss his cheek before getting up and walking back towards the path to my farm.

"Goodnight Seb"

It takes him a minute to reply. I'm almost out of earshot before he does, luckily, not quite.

"Goodnight" I can hear the smile in his answer. I smile myself and continue on the path to finish the last of my chores and get some rest.

Prompt ideas are greatly appreciated :)

Sebastian Fluff One Shots ~||~ Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now