,and you.

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"And I was wondering if you like to go on a date with me?" I asked.

"Oh? And what would we do?" He asked.

"Maybe just go down to the beach, bring some food and talk? It's amazing weather right now." I suggested. Any quality time with him would be great.

"I would like that. What time were you thinking?"

"Maybe around 1?" Nice warm weather, not too early. I would have enough time to get everything ready from now.

"Sounds good to me. I'll pick you up then?" He suggests.

"I'll pick you up, I'll see you then." And I hung up the phone. I started getting the sashimi, salad, fish tacos and pepper poppers ready. I push everything in a basket and by the time I'm finished it's 12:30 so I start making my way to Sebastian's.

"I'm right outside." I shoot him a text. About 5 minutes later he walks through the front door. From there we head off to the beach.

"So why the sudden want for a date?" Sebastian turns and asks. We're almost to the bridge.

"Can I not set up some nice kind of gesture? I want to hang out with you of course and what better way than with a little date?"

Sebastian smiles and we've officially hit the sand. I roll out the towels and set down the basket.

"Sashimi?! All of this looks amazing, did you cook it yourself?"

"Yeah, I got it all set up after we hung up. I picked some of your favorites, some of mine and just more beachy kinds of food I guess."

"It looks amazing, thank you."

We dig into our food. We talk for a while about the future, more about ourselves, friends, family, childhood. The works. We kept talking long after all the food was finished.

"Do you want to go for a swim?" Sebastian asks.

"I brought my swimsuit for that, just in case. Come on." I took of my tee shirt and shorts to revealed said swimsuit, he took off his shirt and jeans and we headed straight for the waters. We splashed around for what seemed like a good half an hour. We sat on the beach until we dried off and the sunset.

"It's beautiful. The array of colors." I said. The sky really is beautiful and the way it expands over the water.

"Hm. It is pretty.. but I've seen prettier." Sebastian challenged.

"Have you now?" I question.

"Of course. Two of the prettiest things with me right now."


"The sky, and you."

Prompt ideas are greatly appreciated :)

Sebastian Fluff One Shots ~||~ Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now