Orange Juice

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"Hey Abby, what are you doing later?" Abigail and I met up earlier for some lunch. It's been a while since we've hung out just the two of us.

"Oh, I'm going to our band practice later. We're preforming at the Easter celebration after the egg hunt and we really need to practice since it's so close."

"Oh yeah, next week huh? Geez, time really does fly by doesn't it?"

"Haha, yeah. Hey! Did you want to come to this practice too? Unless you have something else to do." Abigail suggests. I've been to almost all of their performances, practices, you name it, I've been there.

"Yeah! You know I'd love to come. I'm like your biggest fan."

"Haha, you're also my best friend, I think that's influenced the whole fan thing. Plus, I know you're mostly there for Seb."

"What? For him? No way. I love your music! What time are you guys meeting up?"

"Sureee. It's not like you've have a major crush on him since we were little. But we'll meet up at six. We'll be at Sam's this time. Sebastian did say he'll be running a little late and to start without him. Hopefully not too late, I'll kick his butt!"

Abigail and Sebastian have a fun little friendship like that. It's been like that ever since we were little. This one time we were maybe 8, we was watching the frogs at the creek by his house, she came over, wadded through the water which came up to her chin, grabbed one and put it on him. We watched him carefully freak out for maybe 5 minutes until his stepdad came out, took it off him and gave us a stupid lecture about wildlife safety and rabies or something like that. Completely ruined the fun. But we still got to watch him freak out.

"Hey hey, I wouldn't say major just a small thing.. but that changes nothing! I'll be there at six sharp. You guys better let me in this time."

"What do you mean this time? We let you in last time too!"

"An hour after I showed up!"

"It's not my fault Sam had the amp turned up really high!" We laughed about that for a bit. Last time I went to a practice, Sam wanted to boost the amp how they do at actual performances and they couldn't hear me banging on the door for a solid hour. It took until Jodie, Sam's mom, came home from yoga and let me in.

"Oh! And bring some orange juice, you make it the best in town."

"Yeah because it's natural! Joja makes that artificial overpriced crap. How do you even make artificial orange juice anyways? You can just taste the factory."

"Right! Soo, you'll bring it?" Abigail says with a big grin on her face.

"Of course I will. But that means I need to go home now and make it so I'll have enough for all of us by six."

"Of course of course! Go go, I have some chores to do right now anyways. Tidy up the shop and stuff, you know, unpaid labor haha." Her dad Pierre owns the local shop that competes with Joja. He's super competitive when it comes to that stuff and always makes sure the store is nice and tidy.

I head off towards my farm. I swear, Abigail goes ballistic over this stuff. She's the type of girl to hurl a chair at somebody if they try and take it all. I enter the greenhouse and pick ten of my best oranges. I bundle them all in a basket and get to juicing. Five-thirty rolls around and I've made so much orange juice I could swim in it. Abigail would for sure.

I start making my way towards Sam's house. On the way I see Sebastian walk into Harvey's clinic. My heart rate picks up a little bit, which is normal. But my head starts racing. Why is he there? Is he okay? Is his family okay? I continue to Sam's house, trying to push what I saw out of my head. I finally get there and knock on the door. I heard a big crash, Abigail's hyena laugh and the door gets thrown open.

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