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The Trio, Scabior and Fenrir made their way into Hogmeade where they quickly rushed to find a safe place to hide from as Death Eaters began to make their way out into the opening. They were surprised when they greeted by the owner of Hog's Head Inn, who quickly motioned for them to enter his inn quickly.  

"Did you get a look at him?" Ron mumbled. 

"I know, he looked like... Dumbledore." Hermione mumbled while she walked around, "Harry I can see you in this?" 

Hermione motioned to a mirror on the way with a missing shard in it where she could see Harry's face in it. Harry hurried beside her, holding his shard in front of him and near the mirror when...

"Bloody fools to come here." The man told them. He entered the foyer, his eyes gazing over them before ending up on Scabior and Fenrir. 

"You two?" he mumbled before turning to the Trio, "You're working alongside these monsters?" 

"They're on our side," Hermione assured them. 

"Bloody, hell they are!" the man spat, turning his attention towards the two again, "My brother fully warned me about you two. Good-for-nothings, especially you, wolf! I've heard tales about you. An animal! A real beast that feasts on the flesh of men!" 

"I hate to break your little heart, but that rumor is not bloody true." Fenrir shot at him, baring his teeth. 

"And what of all the children you bit and kidnapped? Those lies as well?" the man shot at Fenrir. 

"Look! We're here to try and get into Hogwarts. Will you help us or not?" Hermione asked the man. The man turned his head over to Hermione, darting his eyes back and forth between her and the two ex-Snatchers, then turned his attention to the portrait of a lovely girl. 

"You know what to do," he whispered to her. She nodded then turned and vanished from her frame. The man turned around to face her, shaking his head.

"You're foolish to think these two are capable of being human. Mark my words, the moment you step into that castle, they'll drag your ass to Snape himself then to You-Know-Who where they'll get their rewards." He shot at her before vanishing into the other room. Hermione shared a quick glance over to Scabior, who tried to hid the sight of hurt in his eyes. Their focus quickly shifted back when they saw the girl in the portrait coming back. 

"Who's that with her?" Ron asked as they watched the girl's frame opening to reveal Neville. 

"Neville! You look like hell." Ron shot at him. 

"Seamus is worse." Neville told them before his eyes widened when they landed on Fenrir and Scabior. 

"Don't worry, they're on our side." Hermione assure them before they quickly made their way into the corridor. 

"I don't remember this on the map," Harry confessed while they walked through the enclosed space. 

"It's because it never existed till now. Most of the secret passages were sealed off by the start of the year. this is the only way in or out now. Grounds are crawling with Death Eaters and Dementors." Neville informed them. 

"How's Snape as Headmaster?" Hermione asked him. 

"Don't know. Hardy get to see him." Neville admitted, "But it's the Carrows you need to watch out for." 

"No! Those bloody bastards are here?" Scabior asked, while Fenrir cursed under his breath, "Goodness, even I'm not heartless enough to put those blokes around children." 

"I'm convinced those two siblings have an incestuous relationship between each other." Fenrir stated to them. 

"Why do you say that?" Hermione asked, feeling herself get sick at the thought of it. 

"When you see the way they behave towards each other as long as I have, you start to think something is going on between the two of them." Fenrir admitted to them just as Neville pushed opened another frame. 

"Listen up you lot! I got a surprise!" Neville called out. 

"Not more of Aberforth's cooking again. I'm surprise anyone can digest it." Hermione heard Seamus speak up. Suddenly as Harry walked out of the frame, she could hear everyone cheering and clapping at the sight of him. They began to make their climb down when suddenly their cheers and clapping stopped when (of course) they caught sight of Scabior and Fenrir climbing down the ladder and entered into their shelter. Everyone's eyes were glued frightened on the ex-Snatchers as they stood, returning the stare. 

"Don't worry they're with us." Hermione explained again to them. 

"Why? So they can avoid an Azkaban prison sentence?" Seamus asked. 

"We get it. We screw up, we probably hurt you or someone you cared for in some way, but now, we're here to fix it. Lets stop our fucking nagging unless you lot rather we stand here whining about having to work with a couple of ex-Snatchers instead of trying to get rid of the Dark Lord?" Fenrir shot at them. Everyone was quiet after that. 

"Okay, can I have everyone's attention, please?" Harry called out to them, "We're here to try and find something. It's hidden here and it may help us defeat You-Know-Who."

"Right... what is it?" Neville asked. 

"That would be the thing, we don't know for sure what it is. But we think it has to do with Ravenclaw." Hermione explained. 

"Well there's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem." Luna spoke up. 

"Ravenclaw's lost What?" Ron asked. 

"It's a type of crown." Fenrir answered him. 

"Yeah, I heard the story about it when I was here." Scabior confessed, "But that things been lost for centuries. Don't know--" 

Scabior was cut up by the sound of the door opening to find Ginny walking into the room. For a moment, she stopped to admire Harry which of course, Ron mumbled how unfair it was that she wouldn't notice him when it was cut short with Ginny announcing about how Snape knew Harry is here and he was summoning everyone to the Great Hall.  

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