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What have I done... what have I done... what have I done.... she thought as she jogged through the forest, roughly patting her had with her own wand. She couldn't believe herself. She should have fought against him, should have curse or hex or something along those lines, but she hadn't. Instead, she had actually allowed him, a Snatcher, to take her virginity. She couldn't believe she could have allowed herself to give in so easy. 

Worst, she couldn't get him out of her head! Even after she cleaned herself off and removed his cum from inside her and removed the bed, she couldn't stop thinking about him. The way he touched her... the way he kissed her... the way he...

She shook her head. She shouldn't be thinking about it at all. However, as she clung to the collar of his coat, she couldn't help but feel like there's something. There was something warm that she found within herself. 

She didn't have time to fully grasp what she was feeling when she noticed she was back in the campsite area and saw Harry and Ron outside the tent. She marched up towards the tent with her head held high, pushing back the memories of what happened to her. Hermione was a few feet away from them when Harry and Ron stood up from their seats. 

"Hermione! We were worry about you! It was starting to get dark out and we thought you might have gotten lost and-- and-- where did you get that jacket?" Harry asked, pointing at the coat wrapped around Hermione. 

"I-- just found it," she stated to them before heading inside the tent not wanting to be disturb for a while. 

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?" Fenrir shouted just as Scabior had made his way into the campsite. Scabior rolled his eyes as he saw all of the other snatchers starting to snicker amongst themselves since Scabior, who always would shout at them for being complete idiots, was now the one who was getting shouted at.

"Sorry, I just accidentally got lost." Scabior lied to him. Fenrir's eyebrow arched, clearly having have major doubts of Scabior's story. 

"And the reason you're missing your coat?" Fenrir asked, pointing at Scabior's chest; nearly sticking his claws through the fabric of his shirt and into his skin. Scabior shrugged his shoulders. 

"Got it snagged on a few branches. That's all," Scabior stated. 

"Next time, do us all a favor and keep up," Fenrir ordered with narrowed eyes then turned to the other snatchers, "Alright men, start packing up the tents! We're leaving this place to the next one! Maybe we'll be lucky and run in a few foolish muggles!" 

The snatchers didn't waste a moment after Fenrir had given his demand. They jumped to their feet and quickly rushed around the campsite to get everything packed and ready to move. None of them wanted to get on Fenrir's bad side. Scabior went to do something when he felt a hand grab the back of his shirt. 

"So you wanna tell me what you really were doing out in those woods?" Fenrir growled before pulling Scabior in front of him. 

"I told you, I accidentally got lost," Scabior repeated his story, "Now can I go-- HEY!" 

Fenrir started to sniff around Scabior's neck while keeping a tight grip on his shirt. After what felt like a minute or so, he then lifted his face so his eyes were locked with Scabior's in a heated glare. 

"Really? Then why the hell do you smell like vanilla?" Fenrir asked him. Scabior's eyes widened as Fenrir chuckled then released his hands from Scabior's shirt. He didn't know what to say. He couldn't very well just admit he shagged up with an Order Member and not to mention she was a Muggle-Born. Scabior just stood there, unable to come up with anything at the top of his head. Fenrir shook his head before bursting out in laughter then wrapped his arm around Scabior's shoulder. 

"So how was she?" Fenrir asked. Scabior nervously chuckled. 

"She was wonderfully delicious," Scabior blurted out, remembering her shimmering caramel doe-like eyes gazing up to him as he took her on that bed and her touch as she held her arms around his shoulders. Fenrir laughed again before patting Scabior's shoulder. 

"I hope you didn't leave an inch of her untouched! Now come on! You got to tell me this story! Every little detail!" Fenrir ordered while they walked throughout the campsite. 

Fallen in Love with a Snatcher (Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now