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I awoke to the loud snapping sound and fell to the ground from the spot I must have been levitating from. I was greeted by the faces of merlin and the schoolmaster hovering over me. I took a sharp inhale and began choking on my saliva as I struggled to get to my feet. It felt like I had broken a few ribs. Merlin held out a friendly hand to me and him and the schoolmaster helped me to my feet.

Once I was standing I looked down and saw that I was splattered with blood. I felt my forehead where there was the smallest little cut on my hairline that was barely bleeding. I tried to breathe heavily but every movement of my rib cage ached to the point where I could barely breathe without making some sort of pained noise.

I felt like I might pass out again so I moved towards the desk chair in Merlin's office and sat down. My eyes traveled across the room searching for tedros and soon fell on a floating body still very asleep.

“Is he okay?” I asked quietly after a few moments.

“He's doing better than you are.” the school master said as he sat on the other side of the desk.

“And how bad am I doing?” I asked with a crack in my voice as I looked at them with a sad expression.

“You have suffered a mild concussion and have six broken ribs but it's all minor.” the school master answered.

“Six!?” I said, sounding surprised as I leaned forward.

“They are in the middle stages of healing for now. The magic will slow down once your body starts the healing process itself.” Merlin explained as I felt a force push me back into the chair.

“What about tedros? Is he hurt?” I continued to ask them about him.

“He suffered mild cat scratches to the face but they have all healed by now.” Merlin said just before he snapped and tedros fell to the ground.

“Where's y/n?” Tedros asked as soon as he got to his feet.

I waved at him since I was not being permitted to stand at the moment. He quickly came over to me and knelt beside me. He cupped my face in his hands and pulled my head down so he could examine the scratch on my forehead.

“How are you feeling?” I asked him gently.

“I'm fine, I think. What about you?” he replied as he moved his hands down to my shoulders. They had removed my cape and armor on my shoulders which I assumed was because it was quite heavy on my injured body.

“I got a concussion and six broken ribs.” I said plainly as tedros’ expression changed to a shocked one.

“Six!?” he said, having the same exact reaction that I did.

“That's exactly what I said. Apparently they're healing though, it just hurts to breathe." I explained as I took his hand in mine.

“y/n that's really not good. It shouldnt hurt to breathe.” tedros said worriedly.

“I just need time to heal.” I said as I turned my attention back to the two older men in the room who were watching our interaction closely.

“y/n it is imperative that you listen closely to what i am about to say to the both of you. Tedros is about to forget everything that happened leading up to the quest.” Merlin began to explain.

“So how much is he forgetting?” I questioned.

“I believe he will forget everything that happened the night you had your dream with Rafal and everything after. But you must understand that you can not speak a word of your quest to anyone as they will also forget you ever left for that reason.” he finished.

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now