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As soon as I got to my room I changed into my pajamas and turned out all my lights. I opened my curtains for the first time in a while and there was a beautiful sunrise stretching across the sky. I along with many of the other students were given the day off to rest up before prep for the circus of talents began. I opened my balcony door and was welcomed by the fresh morning air.

Tedros was already waiting there for me on his balcony when I stepped out. He had Kevin in his arms and I smiled at how comfortable the cat looked in his arms. I almost wanted to go down to his balcony and go hug both of them but I decided otherwise.

“Are you tired?” he asked after a few moments.

“The adrenaline is wearing off.” I replied with a shrug as I fiddled with a button on my pajama shirt.

“So I wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out with me and the guys since you haven't seen them in a while.” I asked casually.

“What do you have in mind?”

“Well we have to train for the circus of talents the next few weeks so i was thinking we could just do our normal thing.” he said assuming i knew what ‘our normal thing’ was. For the record I did but it doesn't hurt to ask for a little clarification in case he meant something else.

“And what would that be exactly, just to clarify we're on the same page here.”

“Just beating the crap out of Chaddick as usual, with Tristan and Nicholas of course.” he answered and I nodded.

“That's what i thought.” I said.

“So are you up for it?” he asked as he leaned over the balcony in anticipation.

“Not right now.” I answered with a yawn.

“Well of course, I'm just as tired as you are. How about tomorrow at nine?” he suggested.

“I'll be there.” I answered, then left the balcony without another word.

I was just about to crawl into bed when a loud knock sounded on my door. I didn't move to answer it and continued to get into bed when the knock came even louder and harsher than the first time.

“Shut up and let a girl get some bloody sleep!” I shouted at the door but instead of stopping, the door handle started to rattle. “State your name and occupation!” I shouted at the door and the handle stopped rattling.

“y/n i am your teacher now let me in this instant!” professor anemone shouted at my door.

“I did my skincare, now go away!” I lied. I definitely had skipped my skincare for the last since I can remember and my face was fine so I just stopped altogether.

“This is not about your skincare, this is about the trial!” she called to me again and i shuffled to the door quickly.

“What about it?” I asked quickly as I threw the door open.

“The other teachers insisted you stay out of this but professor dovey claims it is crucial that you are present for this meeting.” professor anemone said in record time as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the stairs to professor dovey’s office.

Once I arrived into the room I saw a few other teachers including professor dovey and lady lesso and sophie and agatha. I remained in the corner of the room but Agatha had spotted me and given me a confused angry look.

“Great, now that we have a witness we can begin discussing your blatant disregard for the trial's rules.” professor dovey exclaimed.

“y/n?” lady lesso asked as I zoned out for a moment.

“Right, well, I want to start with the fact that I think it would be more valuable to hear Agatha's retelling of the events because she is the one who broke the rules. I was a witness so I don't know why anything happened." I started wanting to remain out of this. I didn't ask to be involved in all of this but now I was all wrapped in it and I also know being a witness is not the only reason I was invited here.

“Agatha?” professor dovey turned her attention to the girl who was visibly nervous. If she was going to tell us the complete truth she would have to throw Sophie under the bus and I, for one, didn't know if she would go to those lengths.

“I-i snuck in.” she mumbled but every word rang through my mind like a church bell.

“There's more.” I announced and Agatha shot me an angered look but I just stared ahead at professor dovey.

“Go on.” professor dovey ushered agatha.

“I didn't think Sophie would be able to do it on her own so I snuck in to try and help her but y/n saw me and screamed it to the whole forest.” she said even quieter but every word was still audible to the soundless room.

“Aggie, how could you!” Sophie screamed at her friend.

I took this chance to have a quick word with professor dovey as the two girls quarreled together.

“I did it on purpose.” I whispered in professor dovey’s ear as I brushed past her then left the room without so much as another peep.

I didn't go back to my room however. Instead I went to Agatha's dorm room and started rifling through all her things. I knew there was something in here and I found just that.

Pages stuffed in her school books were filled with notes on never courses. Agatha wasn't just helping her in the trial, she was the reason Sophie was in the trial in the first place. Even after all of that the girl still didn't believe her friend was good enough to do things on her own.

I snatched all the books and papers and ran all the way back to the place where professor dovey and lady lesso were reprimanding the two readers.

I burst through the door and ran to the center of the room where I dropped everything in front of the four people and backed away from the chaos I had just dumped on the floor.

“These are Agatha's school books. All these papers are covered in stuff from the school for evil. She didn't just help Sophie in the trial, she's the reason she even got into the trial in the first place." I said calmly but loud enough for all of them to back away from the volume of my voice.

“y/n how could you-” agatha started but before she could respond professor dovey snapped back.

“This is completely against the rules.” she shrieked.

“You think? And yet you managed to cover so much about this school that you even managed to hide your own enemy. Sophie isn't doing any of this on her own. They are both-”

I was interrupted by an icy blast to my throat and I could no longer breathe. I looked to see Sophie was staring me down as she held out her finger glow to me. Familiar red magic spilled from her finger and in a straight line that ultimately wrapped itself around my neck, choking me.

“He's gotten to her professor dovey. He's gotten to her.” I said in a choked voice before everything went black.

My head was spinning and I could finally breathe again but it felt like I was on the ground. I couldn't open my eyes or even twitch to tell anyone I was still alive. Something warm came around me and it felt like I was being magically healed as my neck began to move into a more natural position.

“Get tedros!” I heard someone shout.

What was going on? The last thing I remember was telling professor dovey that rafal had taken control of sophie and here i was. Was I even thinking or was I dead? Is my subconscious talking to me? Am I even unconscious?

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now