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When I got to the bottom of the steps I took tedros’ hand and he led me to the dance floor. We entered the dance in the middle of a turn so tedros spun me around and we moved into a waltz. My top was metal so I couldn't actually feel if his hand was on my waist but I knew it was there. My cheeks were aching from smiling as we danced. For some reason there were no teachers there. Even professor dovey, who normally wouldn't miss this for the world, was missing from the ball.

“What's wrong?” tedros asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Professor dovey isn't here.” I said quietly but tedros shrugged it off.

“Let's just have a little fun. It's been a long year for both of us and now we can spend it unbothered by anyone.” he said, trying to pull me from my thoughts and it worked.

“Did you enjoy your little show this morning?” I asked in a teasing voice.

“What show?” he asked me in return but his face blushed the color of roses, proving he knew exactly what I meant.

“Come on, don't be shy. Tell me if you enjoyed walking in on me soaking wet in a towel.” I encouraged and he just blinked slowly in embarrassment.

“You're gorgeous.” he said as he scrunched up his face, most likely trying to get this conversation out of his memory.

“Thank you, and if you will, please knock next time.” I said with a small giggle.

“It was an accident.” he said as he rolled his eyes and we had to turn again.

“I believed that until you started gawking and said ‘oh my’.” I said as I imitated his voice.

“Please don't go there, we're in public.” he complained though i could tell he was trying to hide a smile.

“I won't mention it again.” I said.

“Thank you.” he said with a sigh.

“In public. Maybe in front of Nicholas and tristan. Definitely chaddick-” i said with a smirk as tedros groaned and twirled me again.

“Please drop it.” he asked genuinely.

“I won't because i love you but that doesnt mean i wont think about it and i know your still thinking abo-”

“You still love me?” he asked as he froze slightly forcing me to initiate the dance.

“I never stopped.” I said simply as I watched his facial expressions change rapidly.

“Really?” he asked with tears welling in his eyes.

“Why is that so hard to believe?” I asked with confusion as he pulled me off the dance floor.

“Sophie, she made me believe you hated me and i've been trying so hard to be good for you now that we're friends again that i didn't realize how easy it was for you to still love me.” he said quickly and i rested my hands on his shoulders trying to get him to slow down.

“Tedros Pendragon, I will love you till the day I die if it's the last thing I do.” I said in a firm tone as if I was reprimanding him.

“I need you to promise.” he said hurriedly. His insecurity was breaking my heart right now but at the same time being here with him was making my heart complete again.

“I promise I will love you forever till I die.” I said as he rested his hands on the sides of my face tilting my head up so I was looking deep into his eyes.

“I love you so much y/n.” he said in a whisper as he inched closer.

We were so close to kissing for the first time since we returned from our quest. All the way back before Merlin gave tedros amnesia to protect him. I didn't know if now was the right time for us to have our ‘first kiss’ but it would have to happen for me to find out.

I stayed still as tedros continued to move closer to me. I could feel his pepperminty breath brush my lips with warmth and I almost moved forward. I wanted to kiss him so bad but my mind was resisting and my mind had control of my body not my heart.

I wasn't moving and it was almost like tedros was pulling me into him. I wanted this so bad but I couldn't let myself have it. I was scared. I felt like I was shaking. When I lifted my hands to rest them against tedros' chest I realized I was trembling with anticipation. I knew exactly what was going to happen but I couldn't help but be scared out of my wits because Tedros was supposed to remember everything if we kissed.

Our lips were millimeters away from the others when we were interrupted. This made me feel sad slightly until my mind told me it was a good thing.

“You guys, I have to talk to you.” agatha whisper shouted at us as she rushed over hobbling in her heels. She was dressed in a baby blue dress with white lace around the sleeves.

“What's wrong?” I asked as Tedros and I jumped apart.

“Were you two busy?” she asked as she waved behind her, gesturing that she could leave so we could go back to what we were doing.

“Seeing as you don't speak to me this seems important.” I said as I walked closer to her so we could bring the conversation volume down.

“It's Sophie, she's coming to the ball. I don't know what she's going to do but I wanted to warn you since you're in her way." Agatha rambled.

“Well that's obviously not good but first I want to know what your deal is. We were friends until Sophie started trying to get with tedros then we weren't. What's up with that?” I questioned and agatha sighed before beginning her explanation.

“Sophie has been there for me. I mean she's practically like a sister. The people back in gavaldon used to call me and my mom witches threatening to burn us one day. Then everyone would laugh, except for sophie. The reason why I had to help her was because she has always been there for me when knowone else has. She's turned against me now and the best I think I can do is to at least warn you that she's coming for your blood. She wants you dead because she knows as long as you are alive tedros will always be with you." Agatha went through her explanation.

“So we're on the same side then?” I asked with a suspicious gaze.

“If not friends than acquaintances but I need your help and you're in trouble as long as Sophie is being controlled by rafal.” she said and my face grew wide with a smirk.

“Oh now we're talking. Rafal already tried to end me but I fought through it so I can most definitely help Sophie fight through it even if I have to get pushy.” I said excitedly.

“y/n what are you talking about. Who's rafal?” tedros interrupted the conversation.

“Dont worry about it.” I said and turned back to agatha.

“What did he try to do to you?” she asked, concerned.

“Well in a nutshell he tried to weaken my mental state to the point of psychotic break and probably death. He failed miserably by the way.” I said casually and tedros gasped behind me.

“Well it sounds like you've got this under wraps.” she said as she clapped her hands together quietly.

“y/n you and i are having a serious talk about this after the ball is over. How could you hide this from me.” he said as he raised his voice slightly.

“Tedros there's a reason I can't kiss you. You would remember it all and now of all is a really bad time for you to have an excruciating headache." I said and that seemed to shut him up.

“The nevers are having some kind of ball for themselves that sophie organized but im betting my cat she’ll make an appearance at this one.” agatha said grimly as the three of us looked at the door with blank stares.

It was almost as if the door was waiting to be opened. The shiny handles and polished wood carved with fairy tale designs. It was a beautiful door really. Just as i thought of the door it began opening slowly to reveal a small black figure with a veil over their face.

Our guest had arrived, and with impeccable timing.

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