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I was making my way to the kitchen for dish duty wearing my pajamas because I didn't care. I had to be down there with tedros tristan chaddick and nicholas so it was going to be either really loud or completely silent. On my way down the stairs to the kitchen I ran into Nicholas who said the three of them were already down there working.

Once I entered the kitchen the three boys turned to greet me and I gave them a wave before I unbuttoned my pajama top to reveal a tank top underneath. I took it off so it wouldn't get wet and all the boys stopped to look at me in shock except for tedros who had seen me in my pajamas before. I wasn't wearing makeup either so I guessed that I looked like a complete wreck as I picked up a rag and started drying off clean dishes next to tedros.

“So, did you know that stymph was gregor?” Tedros asked quietly as he handed me a wet plate to dry off.

“That's what agatha said.” i replied as i took the plate without looking at him.

“And you believed her?” he questioned in an even lower voice so the princes around us would have to try really hard to listen to us to hear what we were saying.

“Tedros people lie. That doesn't mean everything they say is a lie. People do the wrong thing sometimes but that doesn't mean they are inherently evil. This school is trying to say that once you do something bad you're evil but that's just completely covering up the fact that people have layers, just like a rainbow has colors. This school wants you to only see the black and white of what people really are and it's wrong.” I explained slightly above a whisper.

“That's exactly what agatha said.'' Tedros said in a confused voice as he stopped what he was doing to look at me.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked as he gave me a curious look.

“Are you working with them?” he finally asked.

“Excuse me?” I questioned in disbelief at what he had asked me.

“You were in the woods when you weren't supposed to be. You were with Agatha when Gregor, you know, poofed.” Tedros explained.

“What does Gregor have to do with this?” I asked.

“See this is the problem, I bring up Gregor, who had a crush on you, and you latch onto my words and try to use him as a conversation topic. What's with that?” he said leaning over me as we were both completely focusing on our argument.

“Gregors dead tedros. Someone has to acknowledge that because knowone else is. This is what I was talking about with the black and white." I said as I began using animated hand gestures to get my point across.

“Yea he's dead so we don't need to keep talking about him like he's going to come back or something.” Tedros said as his voice grew louder.

“Tedros, he did come back. The stymph was gregor. The one you killed at the lake, that was gregor. I wished for him to come back with the wish fish." I explained loudly.

“I'm beginning to think the two of you had something. Wishing for him to come back?” he asked in a rhetorical tone as he threw his hands in the air.

“Tedros I killed him! I'm the reason he's dead! He saw my owl and got distracted, then he ran away and got failed!” I shouted at him but it was clear my words were not getting past his pride.

“Maybe we shouldn't be anything anymore since you clearly aren't taking us seriously.” he said as he folded his arms.

“Tedros I'm sorry, there was never anything between anyone else. It has always been just us and I love you and i didnt mean to give off the wrong impression but please don't do this.” I pleaded with him.

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now