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The next day I was making my way to the stables where we would be doing horseback riding. I was wearing my armor again since everyone else would be doing that. I was quite good at horseback riding as it was my number one method of running away after I had snuck out. There was a field beside my castle back home and I used to gallop through the fields at night. It wasn't technically running away because I never actually left the castle grounds but it felt scandalous at the time.

As I arrived at the stables I approached a beautiful white stallion and moved to pet it. I remembered that princesses were supposed to be able to talk to animals but I never had that class in my schedule so I decided to just wing it and see what would happen.

“Hello.” I cooed as I pet the stallion's mane of golden hair. The stallion leaned into my touch and I continued to pet it as someone approached me.

“I see you've met penelope.” said the instructor of the class.

“She’s beautiful.” I said as I continued to pet the stallion not turning to face the teacher.

“You should ride her.” he suggested as he adjusted her saddle.

I nodded and climbed onto the back of penelope. I ran my fingers through her well groomed mane and took the harness in my hands. I steered the horse around and we began moving towards a group of princes.

“What are you doing down there?” I asked loudly as all the princes turned to face me on my tall stallion.

“What are you doing up there?” Tedros countered as he came up to me.

“I'm riding a horse you idiot.” I said with a laugh as I held out my hand to him.

He took my hand and i helped lift him up as he climbed on behind me. I moved his hand down to my waist and he held on tightly as i moved penelope to a clearing.

“You ready?” I asked as Penelope began speeding up to a trot.

“I think so.” Tedros answered as I looked back and kicked Penelope to make her go faster.

She was galloping now through the yard of the school. We were going too fast to stop now and if we didn't stop we would run into the wall. I used my power to lift Penelope in the sky as she continued to run through the sky as if it was the ground. I heard tedros laugh triumphantly as I turned penelope around to galop over the courtyard.

Tedros waved down at the surprised group of princes below as we began our descent back to the stables. Once we returned to the real ground, tedros and i climbed down from the stallion. I pet penelope gracefully as i congratulated her for doing so well with my unexpected use of magic.

I saw a bright star above me and smiled. I took Penelope back into the very pristine stables and fed her before I came back out to the lesson. Some of the princes were on horseback and some were sword fighting.

My eyes fell on the ginger boy from before. Gregor was on a horse in armor trying to gain control of the stallion when we made eye contact. I waved as I moved towards him and it looked like he became super distracted.

I saw him nick his finger on his sword. I quickened my speed towards him. I saw his eyes roll back as he fell off the horse just before I could catch him. I looked at the teacher then down at all the sparing princes along the hill then at Gregor once again. It was too late for me to do anything at this point because Gregor had rolled all the way down the hill and knocked over anyone and everyone in his wake.

I jogged down the hill helping everyone up until I arrived at gregor. I ripped his already half off helmet and leaned him against me. I brushed his sweaty ginger hair out of his eyes and checked his pulse. After that I lifted his knees to regulate blood flow and he quickly returned to consciousness.

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now