Chapter 2- Can you spend a little time?

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Rachel's POV:

The next morning Liz and Megan were jumping on my bed.''GET UP!! Its 1 o'clock!''screamed Liz. I jumped from my bed.'' No way. You cant be shit serious!!?? the show starts in 1 bloody hour!'' I screamed. '' Whoa chill! Its just 10!'' said Megan. ''Oh Thank god! I didn't decide wat to wear!'' i said. ''Neither did we'' said Megan.

''I think we should wear something new! After all we are The Wanted's best friends!'' said Liz. ''Okay let's go  shopping......and Rach please buy some girl clothes! You are a total tomboy!'' said Liz. '' Okay..... can i wear a cap?'' i asked. They both nodded. We went to H&M, we were supposed to buy one pair of clothes but we ended up buying 6-7 dresses and 2-3 pants!

''Now wat am i supposed to wear??'' asked Liz. '' It's your fault that you took 8 dresses!'' I said. I bought around 3-4 dresses and Megan got 7 dresses. After an hour we finally chose wat we will be wearing.

I wore a white top which said 'Game Over' ,blue jeans, abstract snickers and a cap with my headphones. Liz wore a blue top with shorts and shoes and Megan wore a red top with skinny jeans. We went to the concert backsage. We saw the boys getting ready for the concert.

''Hey....u made it!'' said Nathan. We hugged each other. ''Of course we made it! We wouldn't miss it for the world!!!'' i said. ''Boys, 5 mins to go!'' said a lady.''How many songs are you guys singing?'' asked Liz.''8 songs!'' replied Max. '' That's a lot!'' said Megan. We went and stood in the VIP row.

The boys sang Glad u came, lightining,invincible, warzone,heart vacency, I found you,chasing the sun and all time low. After singing.....''Today we have some special friends with us......My long time best friend......Rachel, Liz and Megan.Please give them a hand!'' said Nathan.

We were shocked. We were signaling the boys that we won't come on the stage. The boys forced us. Nathan helped me come up. Jay helped Megan and Tom helped Liz. Nathan put his hand around me and started singing lightining. I was so nervous and i dont know why i started blushing when Nath put his hand around me.

After the show ''Hey....why did you call us on stage......i was so nervous!'' i asked. ''Well....i wanted the world to know who was my real best friend!'' Nathan said.''Are you girls free today??'' asked Max. ''Yeah!'' Liz replied. '' Wanna go out??'' asked Tom. ''Sure'' we said. ''So where do we go first?'' asked Megan.

'' Can we please go for lunch?Im starving!'' said Siva. ''Me too, lets go to Pizza Hut!'' said Jay.

''You girls need a ride?'' asked Nathan. '' No we're fine. We'll go by our bikes.'' said Liz. They boys were staring at us. ''What? Think a girl can't ride a bike?'' i asked. '' Ok...let's check out your bikes!'' said Siva. We went to our bikes.

'' Yamaha R1??'' Asked Nathan. '' Yeah.... the blue one's mine and the red one's Rachel's. Megan doesn't hav her liscence. Nathan do u have a licence?'' said Liz. '''' he said.

We went for lunch. We ordered 3 pepperoni pizzas and 1 veg pizza. Magan and Jay are veg. The boys were eating like as if they never had food frm the past 3 days! When we went out......there were so many fans! God! With great difficulty they went in their car. Now i understand why they own cars. We then went to the bowling center.

Nathan's POV:

Megan and Liz came with us in the car and Siva went in Liz's bike. Siva had a craze for bikes. They were having a competion that who will reach the bowling center first. Siva lost cauze he did not know the location .We went to the bowling center and the girls kept on making strikes.

It was a competion betwwen 5 boys and 3 girls. We had to win and i sucked at bowling! 6 strikes in a row! How cool is that. But the girls did that! While the others were playing Rachel showed me how to play bowling.

She looked beautiful with that dress and her open hair and..........uhh stop it Nath! Anyways.......i learnt how to play bowling but i never got a strike!

Then we went for a movie - Twilight breaking dawn part 2. I was sitting next to Rachel. There were many scary parts. When the scariest part came she hugged me. ''Uh Rachel....that part's over...'' I said. She quickly let go of me. ''Sorry....'' she said. ''No problem'' i replied.

Next we went to the place where Liz and Rachel work- Yamaha showroom. It was a huge showroom with 2 floors. The first floor had snowmobiles and the second floor had bikes.

The third floor was their office. The girls introduced us to the manager. ''Your friends here are really hard workers..... we won the the best showroom prize in Canada because of them'' said the Manager.

After a long time...... at 9 we reached the girls' house. We again had a lot of fun playing pranks ,cracking jokes, playing video games and many other things.''I guess we'll leave now. We have a lot of packing to do and flight's tomorrow at 2 pm.'' said Tom. We were so sad.

''Okay.....keep in touch!'' rachel said. ''We will! Bye'' ''Bye''. I gave her a small kiss on check and she blushed. She looked so cute when she blushed!

We went back to London and Jay, Tom and I were so missing the girls. Max and Siva were also missing them but they had their girlfriends to give them company.


This is my first story on wattpad hope u like it :D

and pls dont mind the shortcuts! im used to them!

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