Chapter 12

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I swear it is tough writting love stories! But nontheless i tried!............


Rachel's POV:

I got up with a jerk and got to know it was a dream. Nathan was sitting next to me.

''Hey....wat happened? Bad dream?''

''Cant say it was bad but......wat r u doing here?''

''Putting songs in yr Ipod...u wanted them right?''    I nodded.

''Wat time is it?''

'' wat kind of dream did u see?''

''Kind of the best dream i ever had....''

''Was i there??''

''Of course...............not!''  i lied

''Have i ever been in your dream??'' I nodded 'no'.

''Did u sleep?''

''Yup....but then i got up. You can go back to sleep''

''If yr awake how am i supposed to sleep??'' i kissed him on his check. ''Wanna cup of coffee?''

''Yes, but please put sugar, love!'' i nodded.

I went downstairs and was still thinking about the dream. But the question is- does he love me? I had to get up!

I made the coffee and went upstairs. ''Here u go....'' i gave him the coffee.''Nathan, i know i asked u this before but...who ws yr first crush? And dont give me the answer as 'no-one'!"

''I did have a crush....but that's a secret!''

''Come on.....tell!'' he refused to tell me.

''Ok i'll think about it and then tell!''

"Alright! But can u tel me the starting letter?''

''NO!''        ''Ok,ok'' i said.

 I got up to keep my cup, Nathan pulled me and i fell on his lap. ''What?''

''Why do keep looking beautiful?''

''I have no clue!Now let me go'' i tried to get up but he wrapped his hands around me and held me close to him.

''Mr. Sykes.....u phone's ringing!'' i lied he turned around and i ran. I stood near the door '' Sykes....get your self a girl!'' said.

''You already told me tht!'''

''Im saying it again!''

I was cutting the vegetables and i cut my finger.'''Ahhhhh!'' i screamed

Nathan came down ''Rachel?'' he saw my finger bleeding. ''Wat the hell.....couldn't be careful?'' He took a tissue and slowly dabbed it on my cut.''Ouch'' i whispered.

''If u r not careful next time i wil kill u! If something happened to u....''

''If something happened to me?'' He looked up at me and raised his eyebrow.

''Um.....just be careful next time!''

''Relax....its just a cut!'' He bought a bandage and wrapped it around my finger.

Nathan's POV:

After everyone got up.........Tom got a message......''Here we go again!Another show in......o my god!''

''Another show in o my god?Never heard of tht place'' said Siva

''No u fool! Nathan and Rachel ,your gonna flip!'' said Tom ''GLOUCESTER!!''

''WHAT?!?!'' I screamed. ''Rachel? Rachel? Rachel!!!!'' she had her headphones on so she couldn't listen to me. I disconnected the wire from the Ipod.

''Hey wat the....''

''That's mine.....did u hear wat Tom just said?'' she nodded 'no.

''We are going to Gloucester!''

''That's epic! When are we going? where are we going first?''

''Wait!!!! 1st- we are leaving 2morrow......2nd -Abbeydale,St pauls,Tuffley and Maisemore! That's in order'' said Tom

''We are visiting Abbeydale 1st?'' we both asked together.

''Problem! Tuffley is in the south and Maisemore is in the north of Gloucester.'' Rachel said.

''We'll hire a tour bus! Abbeydale is full of 1st class tour buses!'' I said. ''I'll tell Jess. We'll stay at my house!''

****Next day****

''Hurry up Max!'' I said.

''Alright im coming! Why are u shouting at me?'' asked Max

''Cauze im not the one who slept in the toilet!Seriously? Its 11am Max!''

''Ok im ready! Lets go!'' We went to the train station and we were on time! It was a 3hr journey.

We went in first class and inside a cabin like place. There was a huge sofa, washroom, a foldable table another bed kind of a thing on a bunk and a washroom. It was quite big.

We were talking, Rach and Tom were fighting- who will go on that top bunk?!

''Im sitting on top!'' said Tom

''No i am! Ladies first!''

''Technically your not yet a lady.....your 18''

''Yea, so i will be in.........''

''8 months'' said Siva.

''Thank u.....8 months!'' Rach replied.

''Tom?'' Liz said with a very romantic tone. Tom turend around and Rachel went on top.

''Nothing!'' said Liz. He turned around''Hey......'' Tom looked up.

''Sorry.......its taken.''

''Rachel.....your lucky tht u were born in November!'' said Nareesha.

''Because Siva's born on 16th?'' asked Rachel. She nodded. ''Nareesha, its dosen't matter when u were born..........your love for Siva matters!'' she said

''Whoa.....from when did u become romantic?'' i asked.

''Just now......there was a post on Facebook which says......'only your love matters!''' she said.

We were bored and we still had 2 and half hrs more. Jay and Max were playing on the laptop the girls except for Rachel were talking and Me and Siva were watching tv and Rachel was.......obviosly listing to songs.


 In case you were thinking who Jess was.....Her full name is Jessica Sykes. Nathan's younger sis. She's 16.

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