Chapter 10

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Nathan's POV:

The next morning i found the girls sleeping on the couch in the living room. ''Rachel?Girls get up!'' Then the others got up. ''Wat the hell?!'' said Jay.

''Girls....get up!!''

''No.....let us sleep!'' Liz said.

Then we started to sing. ''get up get up get out my couch and fall into yr bed instead!'' We started to sing.

''Uh yr ruining the song'' Rachel got up. ''Its....get out get out get outta my head and fall into my arms instead!'' she sang. ''Wow u really know how to sing!'' said Jay. After 15mins all of them got up.

''I am so bored! wat r we supposed to do?and girls for chirst sake DONT GO FOR SHOPPING!'' said max pleading in front on Jane. ''We were planning....but plan cancel!''

''You guys decide i get some fresh air!'' Rachel said and went in the backyard.

Rachel's POV:

I went and sat on the white long chair and started listning to songs. Tom came-''Rachel, may i borrow yr Ipod?''

''Sure!'' i gave my earphones and my Ipod to him.

''Uh rach....u might wanna move frm tht chair cauze Nath gets mad if anyone sits on his chair''

''He wont do anything!''

''As u wish!'' and he walked away. I was sitting at just sing songs and Nathan came


''There r 3 more empty seats go sit there''

''Why should i this is my chair'' he said. ''Now move or i'll do something you'll never forget!''

''Like wat throw water on me?'' He walked away. ''Gave up?'' and i started singing.

Nathan came and threw a bucket of water on me. ''NATHAN! I WILL KILL U!''

''i told u to move!'' i got so angry and started chasing him

''I found u chasing the sun oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.......'' he started singing.

''I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS! COME HERE!'' i finally caught up and pushed him. I took the hose and put water on him.

We went inside....''Did u guys just come out from the washing machine?!?!?'' asked Siva.

''Hey i hav an idea lets go horse riding!'' i said. ''NO! IM NOT SITTING ON A HORSE!'' nathan screamed. ''How about shopping?'' asked Liz. ''NO! NO SHOPPING FOR THIS WHOLE MONTH!'' The boys screamed.

''Lets just watch a movie!'' said Siva. We started watching movies. ''Nathan, go make me a cup of coffee'' said Tom

''You go make it yourself!'' Tom made a stupid face at Nathan and went in the kitchen. ''If yr making make for me too!'' said Nathan.

''No wa-'' I looked at tom and nooded my head. He went to the kitchen and i followed him.

''Look i hav an idea........'' i told tom. He made the coffee and gave it to Nathan.

Nathan drank it and spit it on Jay. ''Wat hell hell! Dude.....why did u do tht?'' asked Jay

''ITS SOUR!!!'' said Nathan. We all burst out laughing! ''The f-face h-he made was so e-epic!!'' i said

''He looked constipated!!!'' said tom.


''I didn't do anything! It was Rachel's idea!''

''RACHEL!!!!!'' He screamed. I was like-shit!

''Sup?'' i said with an innocent face. ''Im dead! Am i?''

''You so are!'' He was coming close to me......i took a cusion and threw it. ''Now yr 100% dead''

He was running after me..........'''THOMAS U HAD TO OPEN YR MOUTH! I'M NEVER HELPING U! COME HERE!'' I started chasing tom and at the same time nathan was chasing me!

Siva's POV:

I took the camera and started filming the tom, jerry and spike chase! ''Nareesha so wat's happening here?'' i pointed the camera to Nareesha.

''Basiclly.......'' she told wat had happened. ''Now they are chasing each other around the whole house! Oh look Rachel caught tom and nathan caught rachel!''

Rachel caught tom bbut he ran......and now Rachel is stuck with Nathan.

Rachel's POV:

I caught tom but he ran and Nath caught me and fell on top me. ''Rach.....u r so dead!''

''No im not! Now....get off.'' He got but twisted my hand and pulled me towards him. ''Yes you are.....'' He started tickling me. ''Stop......dont tickle me anything but tickle me!'' i was trying to set free but...

''Dont try to escape u can't!''

''Yes i can.....if i escape u owe me 10 dollars if i dont i owe u 10! Deal?''

''Deal!'' Eventually i lost and i had to pay him 10 dollars!

Glad You Came (A Nathan Sykes FF)Where stories live. Discover now