Chapter 9- Party!

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Rachel's POV:

I came home and went up to Nathan's room. I opened his room's door and he hid something from me.

''What is tht?"

''Wat? There's nothing here!''

''Oookk.......shall we start?''


We started dancing and i couldn't get the steps properly in the starting.

'' 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,...!Ugh! I cant do it!''

''Try...u can do it! It took me a while to learn it.''

''But i've been doing this for like 3 hrs! And i dont even have a dress!''

''Wait here.....'' He went to his wardrobe and took out a bag. He gave me the bag.

''Wat's this?'' i opened and saw a beautiful short blue dress. ''Wat the........u bought this?? When??''

''I bought it yesterday after i left your showroom......the colour code was pink,blue and black for the girls. You didn't like pink so i bought blue.''

''Thank you so much.....u made my day!'' i gave a kiss on his check.

''Now shall we continue?'' i nodded and we danced. At around 4:30 I went downstairs. Jane and Nareesha had come. Me, Megan,Jane.Liz and Nareesha went to my room. We were talking.

''U know wat? Tom got me a dress.......'' said Liz.

''NO WAY!'' the others screamed ''Siva got me one too.''

We showed our dresses to each other ''Lets go shopping for shoes!'' We all agreed.

We went downstairs....''Where are you girls going'' asked Jay


''We just got u dresses!''

''Ok but wat shoes r we supposed to wear? Running sport shoes?''

''Can we??'' i asked ''NO!'' all of them screamed. ''Ok ok gosh!''

at 5:30 We went for shopping

I bought a pair of black heels. I bought some jewellery too. A blue and black necklace set becoming too girly....anyways.......then we went to the beauty salon.

I didn't do anything to my hair except i did bottom curls. and Liz and Jane made wavy hair and Megan straighted her hair and nareesha didn't do anything.

We went back home at 6:30 and the boys were watching Tom and Jerry.

''Hey guys......'' The boys ooked at us and they were frozen. Jay dropped his juice bottle.

''Wat?'' asked Megan.''I told u it would look horrible!'' i said

''Shut up!'' said megan. ''You look amazing!'' said jay. ''U girls get ready.....''

I went in and wore my dress. I went in Nathan's room and he was wearing his tie.''Hey!'' i said He turned around, he came close to me .

''I know......i look stupid!'' i said

''No....u look perfect!'' ''Thanks''

''Where's your neclace?"

''Oh...i was about to wear it but i thought i'll check on u first!'' I went back to my room and i was trying to put my necklace. Nathan came''Need help?'' i nodded.

He came and put the necklace for me. I shivered when he touched my bare back. The quater part of the dress was open with a zip. ''Uh...shall we go?'' he nodded.

The girls looked beautiful. I dont know about me!

Nathan's POV:

In the car i couldn't stop looking at Rachel........she looked beautiful!

We reached the party. We were talking and introduced Rachel to my friends.

Then ppl started dancing, i was looking for Rachel........but i could'nt find her. Then i saw Rach standing with some girls and i went to her. "Sorry girls i have to steal rach for a few mins." I took rach to the coner.

"Ready for dancing?"

"Kind off but i dont want to dance"

''Just come!'' I dragged Rachel. I put my hand on rachel's hip and she put her hand on my sholder. I couldn't stop staring at her........i couldn't find the right time to tell wat i feel about her!

After the dance we had dinner, then we went home. I and the boys were so tired we just hopped on the bed........we did change!

The girls were not tired at all! So they started watching 'Sherlock Holmes: A game of shadows'.I just went and slept!

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