Chapter 4 - London!

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Rachel POV:

We left Ontario at 1:00 am (in london 6 am) and reached at 9:00 am (ontario) (3pm london).

They said that Jay and Tom will come to pick us. We slept through the whole flight, exept when we had breakfast. I couldn't believe that some people actually recognised us. They knew that we were The Wanted'd friends. We came out and i called Jay. ''Hey Jay...that rhymes anyways....where are you?? We are waiting in front of starbucks shop.''

''In front of starbucks? Go to those two men sitting there they'll bring you to the car!'' said jay

We went to those 2 boys ''Excuse me...'' said megan. The boys turned around and we saw it was Jay and Tom. ''JAY?!? TOM?!?!'' We screamed. ''Shhh......'' said Jay. ''Sorry! I thought you guys wouldn't come and you would send someone else!'' said Liz. ''Well here we are! Let's go and try not to attract anyone near us...'' said Tom.

The boys were wearing caps so tht people will not recognise them. We went inside the house. We saw Nathan, Max, Siva, Nareesha and Jane. We first hugged the boys. Then they introduced us to Nareesha and Jane. Siva and Max's girlfriends.

They gave us a house tour. We first went to the music room. ''Rach, how about a competion!'' asked Max.

''Competion for wat???''

'' Best drummer!''

''You'll lose!''

'' Lets see shall we? The boys will judge except for Nathan!''

''Why not me??'' asked Nathan. ''Cauze you'll say Rach is the best!'' said max


We played the drums and they boys said that both of us were good. Then we took a video and posted it on twitter and asked them to vote.

We then checked out the boys' rooms and in the last Nathan's. I saw childhood pictures of me and Nathan . ''Wow you still have these?'' i asked. He nodded. I cant believe he still had those photos..... i mean they are like 4-5 yrs old!!

We went to the guest rooms and unpacked our stuff. Their house was pretty big! It had a total of 9 bedrooms!

We changed and came downstairs. I sat next to Nathan. I dont know wat happened to Nath he wrapped his hands around my waist. I shivered a bit. He whispered to me ''Im not going to eat you! Its just that u look beautiful.'' I blushed. I keep blushing......i dont know why!!!

We were having fun and we decided we'll go out. But just then it started to rain and there was a thunderstorm. And im shit scared of thunderstorms. Whenever the was a strike i shivered not letting anyone know that i am scared of thunderstorms. I dont think Nath remembers.

Nathan's POV:

I could see that Rach was scared of thunderstorms. To make this more fun i asked '' I have an idea!We cant go lets watch a movie!!''

''Cool! Which one??'' asked Nareesha.

''Saw II'' i said. ''Alright!'' all screamed except for Rachel.

''Im not sure about watching it.......'' said Rachel

''Why???Too scared?!'' i said

''N-NO! I can w-watch i-it'' she said.

I put the movie and sat next to Rachel, she was so scared. This was actually the revenge i had o take 5 yrs back!

Anytime there used to be a killing part she hugged me tightly. After the movie ended she was still hugging me. ''Rachel the movie's over!'' i said. She quickly moved away and it me on the head.

''Ouch! wat was tht for?''

''For making me watch tht movie!!'' We all laughed. I laughed like a mental man!

After dinner we went back to sleep, and the storm was still going on.

Rachel's POV:

I went back to my room thinking........HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP?!?!?!?!?

I watched a shit scary movie and the perfect timing for a thunderstorm!!! I was sitting down reading a book, i couldn't sleep because of the storm. I felt that someone's at coner of the room but there was no-one.

I suddenly felt a hand on my sholder. I turned my head a bit and i saw a bare chest, that looked like the guy who killed all the people! i screamed but he covered my mouth and fell on top me. I turned and saw Nathan smiling.

''UGH!! YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH!! DONT EVER EVER I REALLY MEAN EVER TO THAT AGAIN!!'' i screamed. ''Whoa,chill its just me'' he said.

''Get off me!'' i screamed. I looked at his bare chest. ''Where's your shirt??'' i asked. ''I dont sleep with my shirt on!'' he replied.  I had to admit he looked hot!

''So, need company for sleep....''

''Uh.........yes. im scared of thu-''

''thunderstorms? i got that! its late....go to sleep. You must be tired after the flight....''

He got up to go but i caught his wrist.''Can you stay here for the night??''

Nathan's POV:

I got up to go but rach caught my wrist and she asked ''can you stay here for the night'' I nodded. I slept next to her. She was looking so beautiful when she slept. Everytime there was a thunder strike she cuddled and hugged me tightly.

Tom's POV:

The next morning i got up at 7 am. I went downstairs and found Liz having a glass of juice.

''Hey! Morning!'' said Liz.

''Morning....sleep well?'' i asked. She nodded.

''I wonder how Rach slept....''

''Wat do u mean??'' i asked.

''Dont tell this to Rach...she scared of thunderstorms!''

''Oh....lets go and see has she slept or is she listning to songs!''. We went to Rachel's room. When we entered the room............

''Wat the hell?'' i said. Just then Nath got up. He came to the door.

''You slept with Rach?''



So right, Nath and Liz were awake. Me and Liz were watching TV and Nath was playing games on the computer.

''Dont u guys wear shirts and sleep??'' asked Liz

'' Even Max, Jay and Siva dont wear when they sleep'' i replied.

Rachel got up. She came downstairs.

''Good morning'' she said.

''Morning'' we replied.

After a while the others got up.

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